Boat building project in Sri Lanka

Discussion in 'Post-Tsunami' started by gamage, Dec 30, 2004.

  1. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    Due to unexpected disaster (tsunami) 90% of boats (Day fishing and multyday fishing) destroyed in Sri Lanka including boat yards, Please assist me to establish new boat yard in order to cater nation’s immediate requirement of fishing boats have over 20 years experience as a senior technical person in this industry

    Contact me on <> or 0094777686982

  2. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    What supplies do you require? If there's some way to assure you'll pass the savings along to people who've lost boats I might be interested in soliciting donations of boatbuilding materials from the United States & elsewhere.

    This web site has useful contact information for coordinating transportation of relief supplies free of charge to India:

    Does similar information exist for Sri Lanka, Indonesia, or other places in need?

    Our concern & best wishes in this difficult New Year.
  3. Tad
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    Tad Boat Designer

    Does anyone have a connection or knowledge of a creditable agency already on the ground and dealing with boat/marine/fishing issues, in any of the affected areas? I would be willing to work with such an agency to solicit donations of technical information, materials, or equipment.

  4. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    My impression is that Singapore, Malasia, and India are well organized in these areas, but that Indonesia is not. Thailand and Sri Lanka are probably somewhere between. My sense is that the NGOs generally are not experienced with maritime issues, which is why I'd like to propose we form an informal advisory team.

    When I was in Western Indian fishing villages in 1984 the fishermen who used outboards used exclusively kerosene burning versions, and expressed a growing brand preference for Yamaha. This article seems to indicate that the trend has continued since:

    I suspect someone at Yamaha has a great deal of knowledge of the effected areas. I'd love to hear from such a person.

    Below is a copy of a message I just e-mailed to Baird Publications in Australia:
    Dear Baird Publications:

    Marine professionals around the world would like to be of assistance in providing for the transportation and distribution of relief supplies to Tsunami stricken areas.

    • What are the specific needs of disaster victims, relief agencies, and other responders?
    • Do the outboard engines in the stricken areas of Indonesia burn kerosene or gasoline? Is there a brand or model preferred by fishermen?
    • If a relief agency wants to buy or otherwise procure motor launches & utility boats at a reasonable price, can that be done in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand or Singapore? Who should they contact?
    • Do more boats need to be brought from outside Southeast Asia, or are there enough boats in all categories in Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand & Singapore to meet the demand?
    Please post any information on how we might help to the online discussion at:
    Someone from Baird Publications would be an asset to our forming coordination team.

    Thank You & Happy New Year.

    Stephen Ditmore
    Forces At Work
    New York
  5. CDBarry
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    CDBarry Senior Member


    Engineers Without Borders - might be an appropriate NGO.

    SNAME also has members in that area who might be available to mobilize help and validate organizations.

    You may want to contact Phil Kimball at SNAME.

    (I would but my email seems to be pooky now. I will try later.)
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  6. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    boat project

    Thank you for your kind reply . With all these infromations I will cooparate with ministry of fishies sri lanka and some existing boat yards to set-up boat yard at surthen province to assist Peopel disterbed by this disaster. I am an engineer worked at srilankean boatyard and left to gulf country for an employement.But I will stay in My country and work with my ppl until we recover .
  7. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    Dear Gamage:

    Have you settled on a design and a method? The possibility exists of partnering with someone (Derek Kelsall comes to mind) who has pioneered a quick-build method (there are several to choose from) and turning out boats in quantity. What are you thinking in terms of design, method, material, size, and number?

    In my experience fishermen often run up debts financing their boats. Are these debts going to be renegotiated to allow them to buy new boats, or is there some other source of funding (insurance, govenment, etc.)? Are you seeking outside assistance? Donated materials?
  8. gamage
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    gamage Senior Member

    Dear Stephen

    Today I met one of the sneoir official at MOF. The magnitude of damage to boats, yet to be esteblished. expecting out line pictuer around 10th- 12th .Acoording to my knolowlge they have to consider 19ft Day fishing boat & 15-25HP obm and 29ft-32 ft inboard with simpal wheel house and 45ft-55ft inboard multy-day boats.
    Further I am considaring to promote some catamarn(composits) for plessuer which may be the best option to recover from touarisam trade.which completaly disterbed at coastal area. At this time I am looking for some positive invester to go ahad with this project.I will feed you all infromation no sooner concern aurthurtes relese same
  9. Alik
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    Alik Senior Member

    I stay in Thailand now and have good chance to research their boatbuilding industry. Besides our own boatbuilding project, I go in for teaching Thai students on Small Craft Design in only school they have for Naval Architecture in SriRacha.
    I can state that main problem for this area is lack of standards for boatbuilding, and most of boats are unsafe themselves. So, if we try to improve or contribute to this area of local industry, we should take care of boat safety first. Tourists come here to have fun but not trouble...
  10. D'ARTOIS
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    D'ARTOIS Senior Member

    Post Tsunami Aid

    What I actually highly appreciate (Mr Ditmore et al) is the is the willingness of the Forum to whip up some actual support for your people, Mr Gamage.
    I think that our Dutch friends, if they make a proper round-up around their relatives, we might find non-used equipment etc. to bring at least one or two of your shipyards back into action.
    What we require however is actual information, as:

    1. What is needed;
    2. Do we receive a guarantee from your Government that given materials will not be subject to import-duties and other red tape of the Government;
    3. A proper contactperson in the Government who can be contacted in case of necessity;
    4. Which port can be used as port of destination?
    5. Who will act as the consignee?

    In fact, before putting a few things forward, we require actual information;
    if you are unable to supply that, let us know accordingly.

    Sincere Regards,
  11. lprimina
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    lprimina Senior Member

    There are some guys in HArkers Island that have a boat design (18 to 24ft) that can be built in a weeks time. They did it at the smithsonian in 99. I dont know if the boats are big enough to work over there but it might help in the short run till the bigger boats are ready.
    Let me know and I can get the plans (I hope so anyway)
  12. D'ARTOIS
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    D'ARTOIS Senior Member

    Post Tsunami Aid

    To All Forum Members:

    We have a Forum Member located in West Sumatra; Mr Klaus Neven. I think it might be a good idea to contact him for reason that he knows the situation there extremely well, he acts as a intermediate between Indonesian shipyards and prospect customers.
    Would that be an option to put something into action?
  13. davidjgray
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    davidjgray David Gray

    To all Forum Members

    It seems to me there are two needs.

    One is to rebuild the local fishing industries/tourism etc with boats which meet these local requirements.

    The other is to have a fleet of rapidly deployable vessels (and personnel) which can fit inside large transport aircraft for future Tsunami disasters. The problem at present appears to be a lack of available transport for distribution of all the aid arriving in the affected regions. We would like to discuss with those whose business it is to oversee such matters, the requirements for such a vessel. We think for example our Spirit class small fast passenger vessel might be quite suitable (, but may not fit in a transport aircraft.

    Would anyone care to come up with a requirements specification for such a fleet of vessels?

    We would also like to offer design assistance to local boatbuilders. Our spe******ation is metal boat design, steel and aluminium plans and kits, and stability assesments. We note the earlier comments about local boats sometimes being unsafe. Perhaps we can offer some help here?

    Yours faithfully

    David Gray C.Eng MRINA
    Director - Ace Marine Ltd
  14. D'ARTOIS
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    D'ARTOIS Senior Member

    Rapid Deployable Vessel

    Such a Vessel exists: it is made by Halmatic in the UK; it comes in two varieties
    1 15 mtr
    2 22 mtr

    The 15 mtr VSV (very slender vessel) is originally designed for coastal patrol, police and customs-actions, fully transportable by road and aeroplane, powered by 3 x 600 hp Seateks and Arneson systems propulsion.
    Speed approx 60 knots at all weather conditions - range 1000 nm

    From the larger one I have no specs.

  15. Stephen Ditmore
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    Stephen Ditmore Senior Member

    Munson Hammerhead is lisencing its designs & kits in Asia. See

    For information on the Yamaha Corporation's activities in the region see

    I've said I'd be very interested in hearing from Yamaha's key people about how marine industry colleagues around the world can help. One such person is Maruhisa Ishii. See

    Has anyone been in touch with Klaus Neven? Thanks for pointing this out D'Artois. Can we verify that Klaus is safe?

    Is there a marina in Sumatra ready to receive, commission, & launch small craft, or to serve as a staging area or supply station?

    I'd still like to know if the fishermen in Sumatra use kerosene or gasoline outboards. Apparently this is a cost issue. Even where kerosene is burned, gasoline is available, and is superior for low RPM operation. If someone is inclined to send reliable outboard motors, I'd say don't let this issue stop you. Do you agree, Gamage?
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