Blue Star Titanic II

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by BPL, Apr 30, 2012.

  1. BPL
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  2. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    Never, Never name your boat after one that sank and killed thousands and became hated by all. I can see the headlines now;
    Ghosts seen on TII,
    After years behind schedule the maiden voyage is curse by surprise storm.
    I am sure everyone can come up with a few.
  3. BPL
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    BPL Senior Member

    My significant other had some significant reservations about the name too :D

    The most famous name... the desire to overcome. I don't know.

    A first stage contract was signed with Nanjing-based CSC Jinling Shipyard to build the Titanic II:
  4. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Superstitious poppy cock.

    Don't sail on Fidays and must not whistle Ohh here there be Dragons.

    Titanic sank because of of a poor captain.

    What do you prefer HMS David.
  5. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    I know it is baloney, but if they rename ship... it is more bad luck....LOL
  6. kach22i
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  7. mydauphin
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    mydauphin Senior Member

    China makes great steel from all our crap.... Their quality control is the best in the world... The fact that their dry wall makes us sick, or their stuff breaks on first usage is purely concidental. ?...;)

    Damm chinese keyboard...
  8. BPL
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    ReSellers shop for the cheapest to import :( Supply and demand.
  9. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    It is said that the ice berg that sank Titanic broke away from the Glacier about the same time the keel was laid. It took approx the same time to float its way into harms way as it took to build and fit out the Titanic.

    The internal fit out took 12 months.
  10. BPL
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    Titanic II has a 3 year timeframe for construction. Hope they have better avoidance of the glaciers which are breaking off now.

    The name has gotten it plenty of early publicity for sure.

    It will have a 1680 passenger capacity, smaller than modern jumbo cruise ships.
  11. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Just wait a minute or two and chinese products will be as good as Japanese. Its not that long ago the same was said of japanese products, now most Americans prefer a jap car to a Yanktank and almost everything else.
  12. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    You get what the importer imports from made in China !! i lived here For close to a couple of years now and the crap weare all familier with in our home countries is not what the chinese use because it is crap . The importer buys and sell because that what people expsect !! You have to reall go looking to find the rubbish stuff !! Its here but even the chinese dont like it !!. :p:D

    I still reckon the chinese will have a moon base with all the bells and whistles to welcome then Yanks and Russians when they finally break out of orbit !!
  13. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Ya right Frosty !!people have short memories !!. we been standing in the shadows and ankle deep in bull dust the US has been feeding us about being the greatest nation on earth !!!! talk is cheap and i think the boot of on the other foot and them people dont like it having to take second place to a nation that was classed as backwar and uncivilised and has a poor human rights record !! IS americas any better ?? they been dumping boat loads of crap where ever they please , like it or not they think they are the worlds police and as long as you have oil we will take it no matter what you think or say !! quite frankly im a little tired and feed up with Yankiism where every i turn !! . :p
  14. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    America is the largest military mite the world has ever known. It has the most advanced technology on the planet yet takes 10 years to fight a war with the smallest country in the world

    Afganistan has no airforce or army or money yet it took 10 years to fight a war with it. Then the President proudly claims victory. 50 years of fighting the smallest countries in the world. Korea, vietnam, Iraq, Cuba, Afganistan, at the cost of Trillions of dollars yet does not have health care system that Europe has had for 50 years, yet still waves the big foam "we are number 1 " finger.

    In the same light America took 10 years to catch Bin Ladin who escaped on a donkey.

    Strange is'nt it?

  15. BPL
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