Blender for boat design with FreeShip

Discussion in 'Software' started by pafurijaz, Dec 23, 2016.

  1. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    An other update

    Hi Tom, I made another small change to your hull, trying to replicate your boat, from what little I can guess from the photos.
    As for mechanical simulation of your universal joint there are many tutorials on the net and below are a few examples. And believe me, I envy you and not you!

    For now I have to leave in abeyance, this project, because I have to finish another work on a wooden model milled, for an Italian company.

    Tutorials Basic Mechanical Rigging
    Blender 2.66 How to rig a pumpjack oilpump
    How to Rig a Universal Joint with Blender
    Mechanical Joints Examples Blender 2.71
    Tutorial: How to Model Globoid (aka Throated) Worm Drive in Blender

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  2. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    pafurijaz, you have done so well for me and thank`s very much.
    Very close to the original.
    I have been looking at animation of power Take of drives which are similar to my project.
    Go earn your keep.
  3. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Ninigret A V-Bottomed Bassboat by John Atkin

    Hello again, this is one of the first boats that I made with Blender for FreeShip. It isn't perfect, especially in size but was the one that made me understand a possible workflow, with Blender and FreeShip. I share the boat model in both formats, because I hope someone starts to consider joint use of the two software, in the nautical design for small projects.

    Ninigret A V-Bottomed Bassboat by John Atkin

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  4. Matt Gent
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    Matt Gent Junior Member

    Thanks for an informative post - never heard of Blender, and I was looking for Ninigret data. Two for one!
  5. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    I am very pleased to be useful to someone, and I'm also glad you've discovered Blender.
  6. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Titan Tug model

    Here's here another model, this is a model that I really like, I also solved the leakage points which did not allow the hydrostatic calculation, because of the keel.
    This model is made with care and the size correct, which dimension I found in the web, even there's a real match with Blender's model.
    Also to keep alive the interest, I will correct any errors in the boats that I have done in the past and I will share it as soon as possible.

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  7. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    RYD-9.2 Scoot Design n° 27

    Hi all again, I made this powerboat, because the references were clear and I got permission to share the boat by the author of this, Mr. Riccelli. I have to finish the engine that'll do tomorrow, the part for FreeShip is pretty much over, I should set the thickness, but leaving aside for now.

    The FreeShip project, also includes the development of plates pieces without too many errors. But I don't put my hand on fire.

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  8. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Just doodling but not in blender

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  9. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    RYD-9.2 Scoot Design n° 27 updated

    Here is the updated of speedboat model, for now I don't update this project further. The model is based on the designs of Mr. Riccelli. This was also a great exercise for me also with FreeShip, that I'm learning to use, but are still on the high seas.
    RYD-9.2 Scoot © PARyachts All Rights Reserved


    Tom, I hope, you start using Blender, in internet there are plenty of tutorials, on how to use Blender, for those who are beginners, I can give you some advice, however I am considering whether to make a video tutorial, but I will take some time to prepare and decide what is best to teach.

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  10. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    I will be concentrating on the terminology first which I think is the best place to start understanding any subject.
    Once I have a grip of that it should be full-steam-ahead.
    So I will try to find information on that. We did not get much schooling on those important subject because most teachers were away at WW2 doing duty.
  11. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Tom you are still to be admired, whereas you do with new technology, people like you are few.
  12. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Hull design: short video

    This is a small video that shows the steps which I do usally, when I make an hull with Blender. I hope it's useful.

    If both sides have the same number of vertices, you can quickly do this by using the Grid Fill tool (CtrlF > Grid Fill) and tweaking the operator settings. A Span and Offset of 2 should do the trick

    Grid Fill

    Mode: Edit Mode
    Menu: Mesh ‣ Faces ‣ Fill/Grid Fill

    Grid Fill uses a pair of connected edge-loops to fill in a grid that follows the surrounding geometry.
    Last edited: Jan 20, 2017
  13. tom kane
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    tom kane Senior Member

    Thank`s I will need time to study all that, probably days.
  14. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Some new FreeShip models

    Hi here is two more models, converted from Blender to FreeShip.

    One model is the one shown in the short video above, and the other is the model created by Riccelli Yacht Design

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  15. pafurijaz
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    pafurijaz Senior Member

    Build a boat with Blender

    Hi, I'm studying, how make an whole boat, and it is not easy for who have never had experience. I take inspiration from old draw construction projects, however all this allowed me to understand a lot. As soon as I prepared something concrete, (with Blender) I share the boat model in blend.


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