BL-NAUTICALS, Small Craft Design Office

Discussion in 'Services & Employment' started by Ben Landgren, Jul 24, 2017.

  1. Ben Landgren
    Joined: Jun 2017
    Posts: 19
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    Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne

    Ben Landgren Junior Member

    My name is Ben Landgren and I run a small craft design office called BL-Nauticals based in UK. We are a new business but we possess over 7 years of experience in propulsion design, boat design and production. We use Solidworks for modelling.

    By our experience and powerful tools to simulate systems, we can save you from expensive and time consuming trial and error process.

    We specialize in:
    -Structural calculations for aluminum and composite
    -Powering predictions
    -Propeller design
    -Driveline design
    -General arrangements
    -Design of power transmission systems (spur/helical gears, electricity)
    -Technical drawings and documentation
    -Simulations and control systems

    Please take a look at our website and feel free to get in touch (email below).
    (no title)

    Best regards
  2. dlinniyr
    Joined: Feb 2015
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    dlinniyr Junior Member

    Hello!If you will need in hull&outfitting designers-send me message.
  3. Ben Landgren
    Joined: Jun 2017
    Posts: 19
    Likes: 2, Points: 3
    Location: Newcastle Upon Tyne

    Ben Landgren Junior Member

    Hi dlinniyr, thank you for your interest. I will let you know if something comes up.


  4. smckee10
    Joined: Feb 2017
    Posts: 5
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    Location: simpsonville sc

    smckee10 Junior Member

    feel free to contact me if i can be of any help
    thank you

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