Bilge paint or flow coat

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by chowdan, Jun 30, 2024.

  1. chowdan
    Joined: Jul 2008
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    chowdan 1980 PAC41 Liveaboard

    Hey all,

    I am in the process of stripping the existing paint in the bilge, it's failed and has been quite a mess for the pumps(previous owner applied at least 7 years ago).

    As I go through stripping, I am trying to determine what I should coat with. I want bright easy clean abilities - so bare glass is not an option.

    Thinking either a flowcoat or maybe tile clad? Anyone have suggestions? Id be open to paint but want something that will be durable to oil/solvents/and constant moisture (keel stepped mast in PNW = constant moisture)
  2. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Epoxy industrial paints work well. I use to paint with Devoe, but don't know if they are still in business. Never saw a failure, even after several years.
    chowdan likes this.
  3. chowdan
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    chowdan 1980 PAC41 Liveaboard

    Thanks gonzo,

    Was the stuff you used 2 part epoxy paint? I was looking at Totalbilge from total boat but the idea of being a single part epoxy paint didn't make full sense to me. If it was a 2 part I'd be less inclined to question it.

    Was thinking about epoxy garage floor paint as an alternative since it'd be designed to handle greasemonkey oils and solvents and in theory be pretty durable.

    My biggest gripe about something like bilgekote from interlux is reading something in their docs about it not being designed for continuous submersion.

    I'll take a look into Devoe and see what I can find

  4. gonzo
    Joined: Aug 2002
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It is a two part epoxy. Single part is not much better than alkyd. Garage floor paint may be an alternative. It takes a lot of abuse.
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