Bigger Motor?

Discussion in 'Outboards' started by valvebounce, Oct 4, 2016.

  1. valvebounce
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    Hi Gerald,
    the prop isn't damaged or miss shaped and the dia is regular all the way round (9.25")
    It's just old.
    I have located a prop on iboats 012109 9X9.there is a lot of difference in the cupping to the one I have got.
  2. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    The cheap tach off eBay is very easy to connect and if you want to mount it you can use Velcro. Its self powered and the sensor wire just wraps around the plug wire, it takes about 2 minutes with no tools.
  3. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    That's easier than I expected,thanks Onarvr.
    I'll have a look on ebay.
  4. Commuter Boats
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    Commuter Boats Commuter Boats

    And I learned something as well, it would be worth having in the toolbox.
  5. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    I had a look on ebay £11 uk.
    They are even easier to use than we thought.There is no need for a connection just point the laser.And they have a digital readout that is instant or recordable.(Two small batteries)
    They work from a distance as well,so if you aim it at the engine,bob's your uncle.
    I suppose it would be an idea to set it on the boat structure so it moves with the boat
    rather than hand held.
  6. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    Pics requested.

    I hope these will do

    Attached Files:

  7. Jim Caldwell
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    Jim Caldwell Senior Member

    Oh My God!!!
    You need a new prop in the worst way!
  8. Commuter Boats
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    Commuter Boats Commuter Boats

    I didn't have much luck in your attached files, I did see a few boat pictures but I don't think there this boat.

    As to that propeller.... that surface is totally unacceptable, beyond surface I still question the geometry. If you were to take it off and set it on a flat surface and measured from the flat surface to the tip of each blade, do you think they'd be uniform?
  9. SukiSolo
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    SukiSolo Senior Member

    Might just be me, but that prop shape looks a little old fashioned - maybe 25/30+ year old design maybe more. At minimum, cleaning up the attack edges and smoothing would help ie clean off that rough paint.

    Might be worth investigating prop design changes for the Hp over the years to select a modern version compatible with the engine power/torque curve.
  10. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    My picture finesse needs a little attention I think.
    I've got the prop off,and it won't be being used again.
    I think Noah might of had it on his ark.Haha
  11. ondarvr
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    You don't have many choices when it comes to props on a 50+ year old motor, aside from pitch I don't think there are many options for performance.
  12. SukiSolo
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    SukiSolo Senior Member

    Thanks ondarvr, I suspect you are right. Recently worked on a small ply beast with '71 Johnson 33 (c/w washing line steering) - but that got changed to a new Suzy 20 with Teleflex...
  13. PirateTwig
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    PirateTwig Junior Member

    Ike: If applying the max rated power to a multihull you would just add the 2 transom widths together?
  14. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    No. That formula is for monohulls. There is a separate standard for multihulls.

  15. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    that prop suits those old engines and old designed boats.
    It looks like you could like the engine height a few inches if it slips then you are higher than that combo can deal with.
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