Biaxial? Triaxial? Hard to find??

Discussion in 'Materials' started by CatBuilder, Sep 1, 2010.

  1. fg1inc

    fg1inc Guest

    Probably not a good idea. All the newer stitched fabrics we've tried had a stitching that was a little too loose in the first place. This meant that when using a bubble buster roller, the threads were constantly getting caught on the roller and causing all kinds of problems. So if you remove the mat the stitching is going to be even looser and cause even more headaches.
    That was one of the beauties of the Knytex, trouble free tight stitching.
  2. Eric Sponberg
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    Eric Sponberg Senior Member

    I believe the same stitching is used to stitch the lot together. But you can get the fabrics without the mat. Generally, a 17 oz/sq.yd double-bias fabric without mat would be called DB1700 or DB170, whereas with the mat they are called DBM1708.

    The distributors are there for a reason--they buy and sell wholesale to builders so that the manufacturers don't have to deal with the vagaries of dealing directly with the end users. It takes a distributor to make the on-site calls and to stock the products in regional wearhouses. Deal with the distributors--the manufacturers really aren't equipped to deal direct with end users.

  3. aussiebushman
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    aussiebushman Innovator

    Biaxial is sometimes called "double bias" and is generally supplied as a woven cloth. Fibreglass International here in Australia has all of the mats and cloths, including carbon fibre and I'm pretty sure they have a US company/affiate. Try a search for FGI

  4. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    ..also try DIAB, have a yap with the designer about what you can get local and at the right price too, I am sure he can accomodate whatever you can econimically purchase without insisting on a certain material, there are alternatives....
  5. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Depending on the weight of the matt why bother ?
    How many layers are you looking at laying ??
    Use it Matt side up and peel ply ! Gives a beautiful smooth finish and the peel ply will get shot of a good % of the surplus resin anyway !!:idea:
  6. Landlubber
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    Landlubber Senior Member

    ...yep, do it, why waste the material anyhow....
  7. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Im having the same problem with finding the material mentioned in the post, worst still most of the suppliers dont even know what Biaxial, Triaxial, woven or fabric is !
    Just matt matt matt and more bloody matt ...
  8. tunnels

    tunnels Previous Member

    Its one of the reasons i built a couple of boats just using unidirectional Glass with a 125 gram csm on the back . Worked out fine for what i was doing ! Basically i made my own matt's rather that waiting for some sales person that didn't know the difference between **** and chewed dates ! Sorry for the pun!:D:eek:
  9. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    Vulkyn: Talk to Selcom in Italy for multiaxial fabrics ( They can supply to Egypt.
  10. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Thx Herman !! Will contact them ! The west system agent told me to go online get the part number and tell them which items i need (maybe they dont want to break a sweat) or they just dont know what biaxial tape and biaxel fabric are.

  11. FGM08
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    FGM08 Junior Member

    Biaxial usually means 0/90 degree, double bias should be +/-45 degree, both of them can be made with or without csm backing. If it is stitched with chopped strand mat on the back,we call it combo mat. For these two, they are produced by stitching two layers of roving together with polyester yarn. But for woven roving, it is simply weaved without any binder at all.
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