Best product and proper steps for painting boat floor with epoxy nitex

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Kekoa Cramer, Jan 29, 2021.

  1. Kekoa Cramer
    Joined: Jan 2021
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    Kekoa Cramer New Member

    I’m getting new out boards on my 19 ft glass pro. My boat deck or floor was redone about8 years ago. We put in new marine plywood floor laminated with nitex and epoxy. On top of that we sprayed car paint with salt sprinkled on for grip. With wear and tear of cooler, gear and landing fish some of the pant has came off. I wanted some input on what product I could use that might last longer and I could roll on for a thicker coating. I also need input on best way to prep before applying.a couple guys told me to pressure wash and wipe with acetone to gum it up and someone else told me to use a orbital sander to scuff up before. Just interested in what would be better in long run for durability. Thanks for your help
  2. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Kekoa.

    I think that I would be inclined to take a sander to the deck, get rid of the old salt and loose paint, and then re-do it with sand instead of salt.
    You could still use 2 pack acrylic car paint - we have used that, and it seems to be pretty hard wearing.

    I just paint a small section at a time (say 2' square) as it dries so quickly, and then drench it with sand - pile the sand on.
    When the paint has dried, sweep up the loose sand, and you should have a nice uniform layer of sand.
    Then add a second cost of paint on top.
    If you use a coarser grade of sand, you will get a rougher non-slip.

    Make sure you sieve the sand first, to get rid of all the rubbish that might be in there, along with larger grains, etc
  3. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    This PPG product is the absolute bomb for deck coating.
    It’s expensive, but you’re not likely to wear it out anytime soon.
  4. Blueknarr
    Joined: Aug 2017
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    Blueknarr Senior Member

    I would sand smooth.
    Then use standard issue truck bed liner urathane.
    bajansailor likes this.
  5. Kekoa Cramer
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    Kekoa Cramer New Member

    Thanks for your help. Kinda hard to get certain products out to Maui. Will use car paint again if can’t find anything better

  6. bajansailor
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    I do like Blueknarr's suggestion - hopefully you can buy truck bed liner urethane in Maui. That would be easier and more effective I am sure than using sand and paint.
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