Best priced Okoume ply

Discussion in 'Materials' started by Laurance, Feb 24, 2020.

  1. Laurance
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    Laurance Junior Member

    Anybody in Europe had any luck trying buy direct from Joubert or Mourikis ?
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  2. Niclas Vestman
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    Niclas Vestman Senior Member

    The best i could find was around 16€/sqm for 4mm okume and 20€ for 6mm, inc 25% vat. Local B2B supplier but willing to sell small quantities for private use, as long as it's done officially through some business. Checked with our large whole salers and manufacturers. But they only sell to retailers or large firma. And if, the prices where almost 35%-50% higher than the above quote.
  3. Niclas Vestman
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    Niclas Vestman Senior Member

  4. Niclas Vestman
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    Niclas Vestman Senior Member

    Ps not entierly sure on the price quotes. It was on the phone 3 or 4 years ago.
  5. Laurance
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    Laurance Junior Member

    Thanks Nicholas, that price seems good aside from the VAT, and the very long drive to Malmoe;) but still maybe worth it just for the chance to cross the Oresundsbron.

    Aside from Joubert and Mourikis does anybody know of other Okoume producing mills in Europe? From this post from five years ago we learn that Bruynzeel ply formerly from the Dutch company of that name may now be being produced by a French company; also that well known supplier of boatbuilding timber in the UK, Robbins, gets it own brand okoume from an unnamed mill in Italy.

    In fact Bruynzeel seem to be alive and kicking in the Netherlands still Interior - Bruynzeel Multipanel
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  6. Rumars
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  7. peterjoki
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    peterjoki Junior Member

    I have sourced okoume ply here in Finland produced by Coraply. From what I understand it is produced in Africa. Have been very happy with the product.
    Some faults are inevitable. It's priced about the same as birch ply over here.
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  8. Niclas Vestman
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    Niclas Vestman Senior Member

    Sounds like a very good deal! Here (Sweden) Okume/Gabon is priced 60% to 200% higher than birch ply. And I don't mean the cheap stuff.
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