Best Guess - A 20 foot home built tri

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by nwguy, Sep 2, 2014.

  1. nwguy
    Joined: Feb 2010
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    nwguy Junior Member

    Greetings. I thought I'd share some pictures of a trimaran I designed and built a few years ago which I've named "Best Guess". This link goes to a latest-and-greatest page showing its current state:

    The "Further refinements" section mid-way down has the most recent photos. It's been an evolution, as I know many boats are. The home page for this boat has links to the original construction, and to some weird ideas that I tried, and that didn't work (ama planes):

    Anyway, thought some of you would be interested. Enjoy!

  2. Doug Lord
    Joined: May 2009
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    Doug Lord Flight Ready

    Welcome to the forum! Very interesting design thanks for sharing it here. The seats look very comfortable-neat idea. I like the canted amas. Looks like she sailed well with the Hobie amas-any video with the new ama design?
  3. nwguy
    Joined: Feb 2010
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    nwguy Junior Member

    No video yet.
  4. Marmoset
    Joined: Aug 2014
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    Marmoset Senior Member

    Very cool! What was the weight?


  5. Corley
    Joined: Oct 2009
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    Corley epoxy coated

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