Best free CAD for trimaran design

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by Jp de B, Sep 8, 2023.

  1. Jp de B
    Joined: Sep 2023
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    Jp de B New Member

    As the title says, I'm trying to find the best free CAD program to try and turn my hand drawn scribbles into a coherent design. Any pointers would be gratefully appreciated
  2. oldmulti
    Joined: May 2019
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    oldmulti Senior Member

    Jp de B. This link will link you to an old CAD program for hull design called Hullform. Simple to use and does all the calculations for hull shapes. Hullform 9P Works with Win11 (sometimes) win10 - download links

    This link will lead you to a very good, almost professional, free version of hull software. This is very good but has a learning curve. Again it does all the hull calculations for you.

    For the broad brush of the design any free 2D or 3D drawing software will do. There is no free software that will do the full structural design of a multihull. You can get software that does hull design and another that does beam design etc, but there is no complete package. Designers get paid their money for a reason.

    Have fun, draw your ideas, show them to this group for comment, you will learn a lot.
    calevi likes this.
  3. Jp de B
    Joined: Sep 2023
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    Jp de B New Member

    @oldmulti many thanks, I really appreciate your assistance. I've managed to download hullform okay but for some reason when I try delftship it says corrupted file get another copy or something similar. Hopefully I'll figure it out.
    One thing I wasn't sure of, do I have to design the main hull and ama's separately or can I do it all on one design.
    My plan is to see how far I get with free software and if it looks like a viable proposition upgrade to something paid and more professional at a later date
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