Best design for fishing and be able to be towed behind bike or scooter

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Quidnic, Jun 8, 2021.

  1. Quidnic
    Joined: Apr 2020
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    Quidnic Junior Member

    What is the smallest boat design that will be able to do a little fishing mainly hauling single lobster pots?

    the place I want to launch from is inaccessible by car with long walk going through gates that have to be shut so as not to let animals out

    so I can get there by E bike or scooter towing a kayak or other small light design

    maybe a kayak with an outrigger would do

    but the pots are so close to the launch point the design would not need to be very seaworthy

    one of these fold out or box designs would do

    I will be wearing a wetsuit in winter and just shorts in summer so getting wet is a given

    which design would suit this purpose?
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Are you still going ahead with the expanding foam boat which was the subject of a previous, very long running thread?
    Expanding foam sandwich between plastic wrap skin on frame

    I guess that you would take each lobster pot out individually when you are laying them? How many do you typically set?
    I am thinking that maybe something like a Bolger Brick might work - if you add a pair of fold down transom wheels, then you could maybe tow it behind your bike?

    Or tow it like this Brick?
    Duckworks - Projects
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  3. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    For the project you suggest, I’d be looking for some free temporary fencing panels to wrap in free cellophane and blow full of free foam!
    Seriously, an appropriately sized chunk of styrofoam would fill the bill, and could be shaped to have a little bow rocker, and even some boatish profile if necessary.
    Local Lowe’s gets shipments of small trailers packed on big foam blocks that they throw in the dumpster after unpacking.
    From those you could build a floating platform with a hole in the center to safely launch/retrieve your pots.
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  4. clmanges
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    clmanges Senior Member

    I wouldn't try towing that with a bicycle. It looks like a bump in the road or a gust of wind would knock it over.

    You could more easily build a strap-on cart/trailer, just two frame pieces, a tongue and an axle, plus a little diagonal bracing and two wheels.

    But, yeah, I think a simple box-boat is what you'd want; the form stability would make it the safest for bringing the traps in over a side or end. Just do a plywood barge, all flat panels and a little framing. Be sure to add some flotation.
    Quidnic and bajansailor like this.
  5. dreamingbarrierreef
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    dreamingbarrierreef dreamingbarreef

    I was going to suggest an inflatable. But on second thought that could put you at mercy of the lobsters.. scratch that. other suggestions are much better.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2021
  6. Quidnic
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    Quidnic Junior Member

    Yes we built that box out of expanding foam it’s in our yard, don’t think it will ever go on the water though it need a lot of finishing off
  7. Quidnic
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    Quidnic Junior Member

    I think a kayak with an outrigger is best so far

    but thanks for the suggestions
  8. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    im very curious as to how that went, would you share some photos?
  9. berry111
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    berry111 New Member

    It's not easy much to say, using some wood equipment will be helped out. but overall base is towed behind the bike,
    You can do some yourself using tools. and also balancing the both side are important. If you have some wood and tool then make the handle to tow. I'm using Dewalt DW331K to work with boat. Also using drill you will do the appropriate place to fix handle.

  10. mitchgrunes
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    mitchgrunes Senior Member

    I'm surprised no one asked about that comment. You can get a big wave from another boat, or in some places a rogue wave, almost anywhere, almost anywhen. With a small craft, I would always assume you will sometimes tip, and I would want to have a way to get the boat back upright, and to get back in, unless you can swim it back to shore.

    Is there a reason that no one has suggested inflatable and break-apart or folding boats that you can backpack? Or the specialized backpacks that would let you backpack a kayak, standing upright (assuming no low branches)? Or using something like a kayak cart to pull an ordinary kayak or canoe, so you don't have to carry it?

    BTW I don't know enough about lobster fishing to know if you need more power than you could easily provide with a paddle. I also don't know how heavy the pots will be - e.g., whether a tippy boat can bring them up.

    I assume you don't own the property, so can set up pulleys intsead of using a boat...
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