best 3d program for yachts

Discussion in 'Software' started by aiuto06, May 18, 2012.

  1. aiuto06
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    aiuto06 Junior Member

    hello , i am really interest to find an easy learning program for yacht design.(interior -exterior)

    i am a rhino user and i am looking for a plug in .

  2. daiquiri
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  3. aiuto06
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    aiuto06 Junior Member

    i am looking for a plug in for rhino

    through the web i found orca3d ,t-splines .

    do you know which one is the best for yacht design?

    thanx for your reply
  4. Ad Hoc
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    Can you define what you mean by "yacht design"...??
  5. aiuto06
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    aiuto06 Junior Member

    from a current model to be able to make changes (such as create an extra deck or change some shapes)

    and specially create interior spaces.
  6. DCockey
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    Rhino by itself can do what you describe.

    T-Splines is a plug-in which provides alternatives for modeling surfaces but does not create geometry by itself.

    Orca3D is primarially an analysis tool although it does provide a simple method for starting the design of typical hull types.

    How much design experience do you have? Have you used other CAD software? Have you done any design with pencil and paper?
  7. aiuto06
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    aiuto06 Junior Member

    i have a bachelor degree in interior design and i am aware of autocad suite .

    my current job took a turn in yacht design and now i have to learn to model luxurious yachts.

    from your message i think i need more training in rhino especially in the geometry of boats and there is no need to add any plug in .am i right?
  8. DCockey
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    Start by learning and using Rhino. After you are familar with Rhino you will be better able to determine if a plug-in will help with your particular needs.

    Start with the Rhino "User's Guide" tutorials. Then go through the Level I and II training tutorials. There are also a number of online video tutorials available. Don't just read or watch the tutorials. Try what your learn and experiment!

    Westlawn Institute offers a "correspondence" course on yacht interior design. I don't have any personal knowledge of it.
  9. aiuto06
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    aiuto06 Junior Member

    thank y very much for all the information you have send me.

    ive allready done all these tutorials.
    at this point i use rhino for buildings or interior spaces in a satisfying level for my job.

    but honestly yacht design is a whole new world and i am in despair . i found this

    but cant find the 3dm cd online so there is no point ,only reading it.

    at the same time i look for a tutor with specialization in yacht design .

    i ll check the ''correspondence'' courses
  10. Joe Petrich
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  11. ldigas
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    That is part of a paid course by Cliff W Estes, Rhino modelling for marine designers. If you're interested in it, it seems well worth the money.

    Here is the original link
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