Bennetti 26M

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by georgepetsas, Oct 3, 2011.

  1. georgepetsas
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    georgepetsas Junior Member

    "I am looking at a steel hull/aluminum superstructure 1973 26 meter Benetti to purchase. Are there any knowledgable people/surveyors out there that are familiar with this vintage from Benetti that can give me tips/information on their problems if any or what to look for?

    Thanks in advance, George
  2. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Thats a beautiful canoe stern if I remember correctly. Bennetti made good boats.

    But 1973 is an old boat. If the previous owner keep her in Spec all might be well. If she is all original equiopment expect to spent great sums of money bringing her back.

    Do Hire a first class surveyor. Machinery and hull. Corrosion in tanks and the tank tops is typical repair on old steel boats.
  3. georgepetsas
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    georgepetsas Junior Member

    Thanks for the reply
    Is tank top repair typical of Benetti's that year or of all steel boats that year?
    At one point someone told me that Benetti mounted the air conditioners over the fuel tanks and the condensation from the air conditioners dripped causing the tank tops to rust Does margin plate make any sense to you unfortunately it doesn't to me I don't know what a margin plate is.

    Can you advise a surveyor? The boat is in Italy but in the past I have traveled with a surveyor here in California because I trusted him and thought in the long run it was worth it but don't know of anyone here that knows Benetti's
  4. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    All steel boats have problems with tanks....and condensation dripping from Air cons or Refers or deck leaks cause corrosion problems. The good news is that problems are easy to find and not so difficult to repair. On steel boats you simple cut a hole in the hull , fix any problem with tanks...then weld up the hole. Steel is a nice material

    More expensive are main engine, shafting, generators and general ships system. Look at them carefully.

    Plenty of good surveyors around...I dont know who to recommend. There is an Italian NA who posts on this site named Daiquiri...perhaps ask him about the best local surveyors. Benetti would also be a good contact when soliciting a quality surveyor

    When the surveyor finds fault solicit bids from the Benetti shipyard for repairs. They are expensive but form a good bargaining point when deciding how much you will pay for the boat. Its very easy to throw a half million at an older steel boat to bring her up to spec.
  5. georgepetsas
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    georgepetsas Junior Member

    This is good information.
    I will look at the mains, generators, and general ship systems very carefully.
    I will search for Daiquiri.
    Contacting Benetti would be a good idea, don't know why I didn't think of that.

    Thanks again Michael,
  6. daiquiri
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    George, please check your e-mail.
    I also agree that contacting Benetti to get a hint towards a trusted surveyor is an excellent idea.
  7. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

    sname have surveyors in italy
  8. georgepetsas
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    georgepetsas Junior Member

    You're right, I respect that group thanks for bringing them to my attention.
    I viewed your profile the boat tied up to the dock at the Benetti yard wow reminds me of my last boat Mistral a Herreshoff schooner.

    Thank for the post!
  9. peter radclyffe
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    peter radclyffe Senior Member

  10. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    And remember thats its critical for you instruct the surveyor on details like Flag, Intended Use, Geographic range. 26m is a big boat. Boats 24 meters and smaller live in a relaxed regulatory environment. If you have intentions to charter be careful, it may be prohibitively expensive to make an old Benetti conform to regulations. The surveyor must know your intentions.

    Also, never fall in love with a lovely Benetti. Approach the boat in a businesslike way. At present there are very very many yachts for sale.
  11. georgepetsas
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    georgepetsas Junior Member

    Peter yes, this is her after the person I sold it to refitted her to his liking undoing my 16 year afaire of returning her to her original state with the help of Muriel Vaughn Herreshoff's house keeper/secretary and whom he left everything to when he died. She was a CHARACTER. Neet lady.
  12. georgepetsas
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    georgepetsas Junior Member

    Michael, I couldn't agree with you more. My last boat a wooden Schooner built in 1938 I USCG certified for 55 passenger in San Francisco. Don't think i want to do that again!
  13. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

  14. daiquiri
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  15. georgepetsas
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