Beneteau 40.7 hull plans

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by akela, Dec 30, 2024.

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  1. akela
    Joined: Dec 2024
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    akela Junior Member

    OMG. I didn't wanto to arouse controversy in a thread which was born just to ask for some plans. Thank you all for what you have done to help me.
    My 40.7 is a fine boat, and the tall mast is a good asset in the Med, where I sail. Here you frequently find a light zephyr, and I can sail when others must resort to use the noisy monster lurking under the cockpit. And I know when to reef, of course.

    And yes, I would like very much to have an X-40, the steel grid is a very good idea, but price is a very important matter. I prefer to have a beautiful and fast boat which I can afford than a much smaller vessel for the same price, even if it is built to last forever.

    I don't think I will lose my keel; if you count the almost 1000 boats built, the odds are rather low. I just try not to crush crabs, long keels don't like being dragged over rocky bottoms.

    Here is a review written by a much missed journalist (nicknamed "the Fish") about my boat, which I plan to keep for some more time.

    Anyway, thanks again. Perhaps when my model is finally built I will refloat the thread to show it to you.
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  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    It is ironic that you answer the post of someone you are ignoring. ;)
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  3. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Mr. H is a troll that is annoying everyone in the forum. Your thread is interesting and I would love to see photos of the model. It is also appropriate to report post that are hijacking your thread.
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  4. CT249
    Joined: May 2003
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    CT249 Senior Member

    On what experience do you base those ludicrous claims?

    I have personally interviewed Russell Bowler, co-designer of the 40.7, and the designer of the X Yacht. They are boats of two different design generations, as demonstrated by the different positions of maximum beam and the different overhangs.

    If you cut down the 40.7 mast it would be dramatically slower most of the time, therefore would spend more time completing passages and be exposed to more heavy weather. The boat sails very well in strong winds as it is.

    Your comments about adding steel merely show that you haven't looked at the 40.7's keel grid or understood the issues at all. Have you ever been on a real boat and worked or assessed real keel grid modifications?

    No, you cannot fit a centreboard without much hassle. It requires major work, as you would know if you had ever tried to design a centreboard conversion and knew about boats. Tabbing the keel of a 40.7 can cost about $80,000 AUS, and that is a much smaller job than fitting a centreboard. The centreboard for a boat of that size and type itself is a major expense, as are the hydraulic rams and pumps for practical retraction. Your claim is ludicrous and based on arrogance and ignorance.

    You are still being ridiculously arrogant by denigrating the work of most of the world's best designers when you have shown no experience in boat design, no experience in serious sailing, and no experience in construction.
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  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Don't forget his rectangle surfboard superfast boat.
  6. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member

    To be honest i don't care about fanboy talks, I have talked with some known naval designers just as I'm talking with people here or any boater or amateur designer, as most of people has limited view and doesn't contemplate the full spectrum but can offer an exchange of ideas while yacht clubs just try to bleach naval design

    Steel deforms and so keel structures should have steel because fiberglass snaps and its rather the hull-keel joint that should be of steel besides the grid

    Also for big wide beam hulls the whole bottom can collapse because bulkheads are usually used for compression rather than holding the grid after a grounding or hitting coast reefs, so also bulkheads should probably made of steel and bolted to grid in these heavy wide boats

    Any boat project can be done free by one person or a group in a warehouse, no need to pay these scam sums
  7. Herreshock

    Herreshock Previous Member


  8. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    You are an arrogant liar. Yacht club do NOT "try to bleach naval design". Even clubs like St Francis promote kiting, wingfoiling and skiffs.

    You are a fool for calling for bulkheads to be made of steel. That increases weight which has many impacts on performance and can also lead to maintenance issues.
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