Beginners Guide To Boating Stuff!

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Vulkyn, Jun 26, 2010.

  1. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Never wrote in a WIKI before, but i would be glad to help out, just need some pointers !
  2. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    They always blame the dog ...
  3. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Can you please stick to the subject of this thread and not deviate with random spam ?
    There are a other threads for that ....

    Thank you ....
  4. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

  5. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    I sympathise! But I can help. I recently succeeded in creating new Wiki entries.

    In the main forum page scroll down to the bottom to find the Wiki link. You will find that it consists only of the discussion threads for various Wiki topics and doesn’t help much. I complainined about it in my thread called Wiki Bitches, but once I figured it out I made notes!

    So click on that thread and go to my post #4 which provides instructions that are simple enough even for me.
  6. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

  7. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

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  8. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    Guilermo, I added the first link to the Wiki Stability article you started; perhaps you can attach a copy of the PDF file. Both are excellent BTW. One or two of your original links seem not longer to work so maybe you could check them - I hesitate to mess too much with someone else's articles.
  9. hoytedow
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    hoytedow Carbon Based Life Form

    Vulkyn may have trouble communicating with us for a while, with the unfortunate unrest in Egypt at this time. Let us all keep him in our thoughts and prayers.
  10. Guillermo
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    Guillermo Ingeniero Naval

    I also hope and wish Vulkyn is safe, Hoyt. Difficult times in northern Africa these days.

    Terry: I had forgot about the Wiki! Yes, some of the links there are not longer working, a real pity. I have to work again on that and update things.

    Here the link:

    For the time being, I attach here the Westlawn PDF, before it dissapears also. :eek:


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  11. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Thx hoytedow and everyone ... got internet back .... things still look bleak ...
  12. ancient kayaker
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    ancient kayaker aka Terry Haines

    Welcome back V, glad you are safe, that was scarey, are things starting to settle down or is it as bad as the news media claim?
  13. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

  14. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Just a quick piece of info.

    I have gone through local epoxies that where formulated for other tasks than boat building and thanks to some advice from Salway fisher its imperative to check the following if you are can't find a specialized boat epoxy (there might be other parameters too) below is the parameters for the epoxy i was going to use:

    Compressive strength: 12,300 psi (boat epoxy) vs 10,960 psi (local brand)
    Flexural strength: 14,900 psi (boat epoxy) vs 3660 psi (local brand)
    Tensile strength: 8,800 psi vs (boat epoxy) vs 3010 psi (local brand)

    i was almost going to buy that epoxy as it was MUCH cheaper but these figures mean its a lot more brittle and probably will have problems with heavy stress cycles as opposed to the more flexible boat epoxy.
    It did seem too brittle on a sample i did when i tried to sand it tiny pieces broke off.

    Please feel free to add / modify on this info as its what i understood and might be inaccurate.

  15. Vulkyn
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    Vulkyn Senior Member

    Made this epoxy comparison to clarify the post above, this helped remove options that are not suitable for marine use, like the CMB which is much more brittle and not as flexible as the other options.
    Also there are more points you should consider prior to using epoxy (keep in mind that expert's opinions and your own trials are the best way to determine which epoxy is best for you, but having these points might help steer u in the right direction):
    Re-coat time
    Pot Time
    Water absorption
    Tack free time

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