Bavaria Match 42 lost its keel...

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by ErikG, May 2, 2005.

  1. ErikG
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    ErikG Senior Member

    Unfortunately only in hungarian... Any translators around?

    Som nasty pics of keelbolts...

    It's a few days old, but I couldnt remember seeing it before.
    I have nothing against Bav per se, I just don't like them very much. But the Match boats was a huge step forward for them in terma of style and sailingabilities. I hope that they'll solve this quickly, but do it publically. that is the best way to keep the consumers trust IMO
  2. Gina22
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    Gina22 Junior Member

    Hi, an sailor is died

  3. Belo
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    Belo Junior Member

    In the Mira-Mare Cup (Hungarian Charter Regatta) 13 Bavaria Match went from Bozsava to Vodice. Sometimes the wind is blow 40 knots. Before 10 pm one of the boats sent a MAYDAY. The number 13 boat witch name is Kiel lose his keel near from south corner of Murter.

    Six people went to the water what was 13 degrees. The other boat try to safe the peoples, but one of them is died.

    The official examination is told: All of the Bavarias have a big problem around the keel. This company have 20 boats. All is wrong.
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  4. Vega
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    Vega Senior Member

    What you say makes no sense. The annual production of Bavaria is more than 1000 boats (2000?). There are many towsands of Bavarias around and to my knowledge this is the first acident with a keel.

    Is this problem only with the new 42? The Match or the cruiser?

    Can you tell us more?
  5. Belo
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  6. Vega
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    Looks like the keel flexed around many times before breaking the bolts.

    Some heads are going to roll at Bavaria.

    If I am correct I hope they make a call to all the Match boats, because if this is the problem it can happen at different times, depending on the use of the boat.
  7. ErikG
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    ErikG Senior Member

    what makes you say that the bolts broke?
    To me it looks as the laminate in the keel area was ripped away, together with bolts and backingplates...


    Bad layup or underengineered?


    But what the heck do I know I'm just an amatuer :rolleyes:
    Doug Petersen and J&J design should know what they are doing i hope.

    There could be a bad aftermath from this as one person died.
    **** like this can almost scar folks off from sailing :(
  8. Vega
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    well, if it is the case it is even worst. :rolleyes:
  9. Belo
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    Belo Junior Member

    Today we translate the official declaration from the charter company, and translate some information from the accident.
  10. Belo
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  11. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Looks like the backing plate may be too small and the laminate is getting over loaded by the edge of the keel/backing plate. Look at the location and pattern of the stress cracks.

  12. Vega
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    Vega Senior Member

    I am puzzled by this photo:

    The backing plate appears to remain in place.
    But on the picture posted above by EricG there is nothing left. What do you think of it?
  13. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    Vega, that's not the backing plate, that's the underside of the cabin sole and the table base bolts.
  14. mackid068
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    Whatever it is, it's definately not general wear and tear ;)

  15. Karsten
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    Karsten Senior Member

    Dodgy design! Somehow the loads have to travel from the keel bolts to the transverse structure. In this case the "backing plates" don't do much since there is a nice big gap between the metal and the transverse beams. Looks like it hasn't been engineered at all!
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