Basalt Fibres.

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by tauruck, Feb 12, 2009.

  1. tauruck
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    tauruck Junior Member

    Does anyone here have any info on Basalt fibres, their suitability for boat building and what resin system should be used?. Thanks in advance.
  2. KnottyBuoyz
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    KnottyBuoyz Provocateur & Raconteur

    There seems to be very limited info on basalt fabrics on the Internet, just yet. I know FastCats in SA are using stitched fabrics of basalt in their new boats and am awaiting some samples. Apparently there''s only a couple of manufacturers in the world, one in Russia and one in China. From what I've been able to learn they can produce basalt fabrics with sizing that'll be suited to just about any resin system.

    I've used basalt sleeving on tubes etc. and it's harder to work with than fiberglass or carbon fiber. You'll need a very good pair of carbon fiber scissors to cut it, it's slippery. The sleeves are used in model rockets.
  3. tauruck
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    tauruck Junior Member

    Thanks Rick, I checked for FastCats and can't find a web site. I'm keen to find out more and emailed a company in England. I'm waiting for a reply. Sounds like interesting stuff. I just gotta get my hands on some. Model rockets are something I don't want to get into, it would seriously take me away from my work. LOL.
  4. KnottyBuoyz
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    KnottyBuoyz Provocateur & Raconteur

    Try this e-mail addy and see if you get any response. The company is based in the Netherlands but build in SA so there must be a supply there somewhere.

    There was some 2x2 twill available on E-Bay but I can't remember the weight. Probably good for cosmetic stuff but I don't know what the structural specs are like for twill vs stitched.
  5. tauruck
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    tauruck Junior Member


    Thanks, Will do.
  6. Herman
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    Herman Senior Member

    This guy is Gideon Goudsmit.

    Basalt is a fiber which has (structurally) similar properties as glass. However, chemical resistance, and allowable temperatures are higher. (temps from -150C up to 900C I believe, hardly interesting for boats.)

    Nice thing is that it is black, so it can replace carbon for cosmetic purposes. Colour is a bit different, more brownish black, but still looks nice.

    There is a couple of companies that I know of that have it available, like Brands in The Netherlands, Selcom in Italy, and Tissa in Switserland.
  7. tauruck
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    tauruck Junior Member

    Thanks Herman. I'll check it out.
  8. susho
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    susho Composite builder

    R-G in germany sells smaller pieces, from 1 square metre, But I guess there are more resellers on the stuff.
  9. warrensun
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    warrensun New Member

    professional basalt fiber manufacturer in China

    hello all,:)

    I am Warren Sun from Pasia Industries Co., Ltd which is a professional manufacturer of basalt fiber products.

    If you feel interesting, just visit our website: or just send me emails at

    Warren Sun

    visiting scholar of University of Washington in Seattle Washington USA 2002-2003;

    Director of Foreign Sales of Pasia Industries

    Mibile: 0086-13819033770;
    skype: warrensun86
  10. warrensun
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    warrensun New Member

    Please see our website:
  11. warrensun
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    warrensun New Member

    hello all,

    basalt fiber is especially suitable for boat on salted water and with good sunshine because it has properties of ultraviolet resistance and chemical resistance. S-glass do not has these properties.

    if you feel interesting, just send me emails for further discussion.

    Warren Sun
    Visiting Scholar of University of Washington 2002-2003;
    Director of foreign sales of
    pasia industries co.,ltd
    Address: 1200 North Fuxing RD wutong district Tongxiang Zhejiang P.R.China 314500
    tel: 0086-573-88250116(office);88259179(home);
    fax: 0086-57388250225(office);88259180(home);
    skype ID: warrensun86;
  12. tauruck
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    tauruck Junior Member

    I got my first shipment of Basalt Fibre today. Dealt with a company in Europe. They sent me a whole bunch of samples last month at no charge. I ordered a roll of 220gr. Going to start using it next week.
  13. apex1

    apex1 Guest

    Would be nice if you share the companies name with us. I guess it was R&G ?

  14. tauruck
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    tauruck Junior Member


    Basaltex, Belguim. Excellent service. Some other company wanted me to pay for the samples plus the shipping. I guess they won't be getting a $50,000 order now will they?.

  15. redreuben
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    redreuben redreuben

    Anyone care to update this thread ?
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