Barge winch as anchor windlass

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by makobuilders, Oct 6, 2011.

  1. makobuilders
    Joined: Feb 2009
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    makobuilders Member

    What are the thoughts on using a manual barge winch as a self-storing captive anchor winch on a powerboat? This is assuming that the drum has the capacity for the wire rope. Plenty of models are available with 2 ton line pull capacity, which is sufficient for powerboats to 50 feet.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you don't mind the rust streaks, it can work.
  3. makobuilders
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    makobuilders Member

    Simple enough to take it apart and get it electroplated or hot dipped galvanized, perhaps powder coated also.
  4. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Fishing boats use your system with wire rope. It works , but its not the easiest, elegant, solution to handling ground tackle.
  5. makobuilders
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    makobuilders Member

    What other options are there for a manual winch of this capacity?
  6. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    An anchor winch basically only retrieves unloaded...slack...anchor rode. Any reel winch , manuel or powered...will do the job. The winch drum obvoiusly must have sufficient diameter and width to handle the required cable length. Simply google reel winches and check out whats available.

    The disatvantage or a reel winch is how they behave in the DOWN cycle. The UP cycle easy straightforward. Think of a fishing reel and the way you use your thumb to drag on the spool when casting.

  7. cyclops2
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    cyclops2 Senior Member

    Are we trying to save money & pulled muscles?

    I would buy one of those 12vdc remotely controlled bumper mounted winches from Harbor Fright. They have models with fail safe mechanical brakes. put the SS guide roller on the deck above the SS hole plate. Mount the winch in the below deck locker. Yo can REALLY increase the capacity of those winches by wraping 3/4 of a layer on the drum. You DO NEED to install a spring loaded SS paddle against the first 6 turns of line from the deck. stops those slips. The line falls of the end of the drum in to the rope locke rneatly. Do NOT over do the amount of rope. BAD things happen then.

    WARNING!!!!!!!!!If your winch is too strong............CRUNCH goes the whole bow deck area. The brake MUST be adjustable to prevent damage.

    I know that.:D
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