Bareboat charter cabins noise level regulation

Discussion in 'Class Societies' started by yanivmass, Jan 7, 2023.

  1. yanivmass
    Joined: Jun 2013
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    yanivmass Junior Member

    Hi all
    locking for standard for the max noise level allowed with in the slipping cabins, main living room, cockpit etc for a standard sailing charter boat like bavaria 42 or jeanneau 42i ....
    iso 14509-1 -2-3 seems to take care of outer passing noise and not the inner vessel.
    any suggestions?
    Thank you
    Yaniv Mass
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

  3. yanivmass
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    yanivmass Junior Member

    Thank you,
    as i understand, this code is aiming to 1600 ton vessels and above and i'm looking for a less than 24 m recreational craft ...
    on merchant ship - imo is demands max noise level of 65 DBA in crew cabin but in real world yachts in getting about 74 DBA on few charter boats i have checked like bavaria 46 c, jeannuea 36i and more.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    As always, it is difficult to find regulations specifically designed for boats less than 24 m in length. As regards the level of comfort, there should be no differences between a passenger ship and a small pleasure craft, so if there is nothing specific, it would be correct to apply the rules of large ships to smaller ones even though there is nothing mandatory for them.
    fallguy likes this.

  5. fallguy
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    fallguy Senior Member

    Once upon a time, I rented a boat for a week. There was a dripping sound from a propane regulator that was 6 feet from my bed. After a couple nights of bad sleep, I demanded the operator fix the matter. They were slow, but fixed and I had two or three nites of noise free sleep.

    The main thing is consideration.

    Boats are never easy spaces, but mitigating nuisance noise for paying customers is important. Noise is also amplified at night.
    bajansailor likes this.
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