Ballistic Nylon SOF kayak

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Bram9200, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. Bram9200
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    Bram9200 Junior Member


    I am building a SOF F1 kayak and i'm almost done. I am looking for a supplier of ballistic nylon in the EU so i can finish my build and skin my kajak !! :) The ballistic nylon would prefably be untreated and have no dye . If there are any other good options you have tried beside ballistic nylon let me know.
    Can anyone help? Thank you
  2. seandepagnier
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    seandepagnier Senior Member

    I have been using polyester fabric and coating it by thinning silicone sealant and painting it.
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  3. Rumars
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  4. Bram9200
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  5. Bram9200
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    Bram9200 Junior Member

    Are there any pros with using polyester for skinning a kajak compared to nylon? And what type of polyester do you use?
  6. skaraborgcraft
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    The stuff from extreme textiles has a rather large open weave, compared to some others. I have built a kayak and a sil canoe from it, it does work, but it also relaxes quite a bit when wet. It really needs fitting damp and stretched as much as possible. There is a guy in Poland selling better fabric by the name of Marcin Bobber, he can usually be found on FB groups with anything to do with SOF.
  7. seandepagnier
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    seandepagnier Senior Member

    I used ottertex.

    I think the main advantage to polyester is a lot more stuff bonds? So you can paint it with a lot of different things and patches stick better. Nylon maybe more difficult to glue but it stretches more so it could be more durable??

    I had one in the past that used hypalon, but this ends up being near $100 per meter. This is very durable though.
  8. Bram9200
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    Bram9200 Junior Member

    Good to know. I'll make the skin damp before fitting it over the kayak.
  9. Squidly-Diddly
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  10. skaraborgcraft
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    I used a spray bottle and a "mist" pattern. The real issue with that particular fabric was trying to keep it under tension with stitches while damp, as the material weave really opens up. I had less issues on the sail canoe as i could staple the skin all along the gunwhale at close intervals, where as the Kayak had a rolled stitched center seam. I would reccomend a practice run on an offcut, just so you know what to expect. I can find some pictures if it may help
  11. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    I believe that is the case. It would be "false advertising" if not, and they have been advertising the materials for many years.
  12. Bram9200
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    Bram9200 Junior Member

    Yeah absolutely the pictures will help. Thank you
  13. skaraborgcraft
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    skaraborgcraft Senior Member

    PICT5633.jpg PICT5633.jpg PICT5634.jpg PICT5635.jpg PICT5643.jpg PICT5645.jpg PICT5666.jpg

    I cant locate my Mobjack build photos (on another system). I will post them when located. The canvas pliers tool is really worth finding, cheap and worth it even for a single build.
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  14. ChrisVJ
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    ChrisVJ Junior Member

    How about aircraft fabric. Glues on easily and shrinks smooth with an iron. Paint it with the pink primer and it is airtight, use the silver intercoat for U/V protection and then paint. Can't remember the price (And there is a lot of fabric in wings and tail plane!)

  15. seandepagnier
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    really interested in using multiple layers but cant find a lot of information. Also worried about water between the layers.

    What about spectra/dynema uhmwpe fabric?
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