ballasted cat of old

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by salglesser, Dec 30, 2012.

  1. outside the box

    outside the box Previous Member

    Ok along time coming salglesser;605820 "Note it is of the one in the Video" sorry it has been manic here this summer break but found a bit of time to post this for you.
    The books these came out of are
    Cruising Catamarans by The Amateur Yacht Research Society
    (funny thing the book has Gary Baigent August 72 hand written inside the cover so Gary (alternative to Marv Buccaneer thread) has owned at some stage of his research into design....)
    The next book was Catamarans in close up by Patrick Boyd.
    If they are not good enough I can have scanned properly as I only took photo's not being back into the design studio until 4th Feb.

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  2. mike giblin
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    mike giblin Junior Member

    golden miller catamaran

    hi i owned the boat built by michael hendersen called golden miller she was built in 1957 i purchase the boat in the early 1970/s and sailed and raced here until the mid 1980/s she won the welsh multi hull championship in 1975 i used the boat mainly for racing in the bristol channel south wales, what a fantastic sea boat she received speeds of over 17 knots in a force 7 on a broad reach and used to raise a keel quiet often on a tack in heavy weather what a boat for its time any questions i will be more than pleased to answer regards mike
  3. mike giblin
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    mike giblin Junior Member

    yes it is the golden miller i owned here from the early 1970/s to the mid 1980/s i used to race here in the bristol channel [south wales u.k.] i won the welsh multi hull championships with her in 1975 what a great boat during its days regards mike
  4. mike giblin
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    mike giblin Junior Member

    i owned the golden miller from the early 1970/s to the mid 1980/s and sailed here in the bristol channel south wales uk a fantastic boat in those days and won the welsh championship in 1975 with here regards mike
  5. mike giblin
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    mike giblin Junior Member

    golden miller

    hi i owned the golden miller in the 1970/s any info please contact me here is a photo regards mike DSCN0111.jpg
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  6. Michael Henderson
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    Michael Henderson New Member

    Hi Mike, my father was Mike Henderson, designer and builder of Golden Miller, Misty Miller etc. I know its a long shot, but do you know where golden Miller is now, or what happened to her?
    Mike Henderson
  7. neil rumble
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    neil rumble New Member

    Hi Mike. Did you manage to contact Mike Giblin? I have tried but without success.Your fathers Golden Miller inspired me to design and build my own self righting catamaran and I would love to hear more about Mikes experiences with the boat back in the 70s.If you do track down Golden Miller and/or Mike Giblin please let me know.I think the boat deserves far more recognition. Regards Neil Rumble

  8. tane
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    tane Senior Member

    as to "ballasted catamarans": first cat to rtw, Dr. David Lewis' "Rehu Moana" originally had ballasted "boards/keels"
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