Balboa 19 on MacGregor 22 trailer?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by West Texas, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. West Texas
    Joined: Aug 2014
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    West Texas New Member

    I've found a great deal on a Balboa/Ensenada 19 ($250 for the whole rig) but the trailer is in rough shape. I've also found a good deal on a MacGregor 22 ($650) but it doesn't have sails. I was thinking about putting the Balboa on the Mac trailer. Would it fit correctly? Any advice?
  2. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    Most likely it would 'fit' but adjustment would be recommended. You need to check that there are no pressure points that might dent the hull and you need to check tung weight is light enough for your tow vehicle and heavy enough to be stable. Since you are going smaller the boat will be forward and have higher weight on the ball. Most, if not all fittings, can be shifted on the trailer.
  3. West Texas
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    West Texas New Member

    awesome, that's what I thought. And thanks for the thorough response
  4. Skyak
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    Skyak Senior Member

    That's why I'm here!

    You might drop a note on some of the sailing treads and find someone to take the venture off your hands cheap.
  5. West Texas
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    West Texas New Member

    I'll keep that in mind, I was thinking that might try using it/modding as a trawler/fishing/messabout boat since I have three boys and my 14' Lone Star isn't really cutting it anymore but I'd prefer to see her sail.
  6. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    If you set the bow stop about 18" back, the center of gravity won't change much.

  7. West Texas
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    West Texas New Member

    thanks Gonzo :D
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