Awsome simulations

Discussion in 'Software' started by Troutcatcher, Dec 18, 2007.

  1. Troutcatcher
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    Troutcatcher Junior Member

  2. yipster
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    yipster designer

    geez, !4 MB and takes mp4 codec, i too have been playing with water
    waves and the lot, had this fire animation still on disk made years ago
    that also needs those new codecs so made a anigif of it here
    fire was made quickly, but learning these thngs cost time

    Attached Files:

    • fire.gif
      File size:
      614.2 KB
  3. Troutcatcher
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    Troutcatcher Junior Member

    Not bad Yipster! Being relatively simpleminded, what software do people use for high quality FEA physical animations of this kind?
  4. yipster
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    yipster designer

    specialy drawing water can be time robbing, than again love to go in to that again Major packages like 3dmax i've been complutering since first dos, also worked with maya and still use blender and, ah forgot, even autocad now has a 3d dashboard and can rendera bit, no animation yet but inventor can. good easy to instal and try out tip for the simpleminded; terragen, a free no draw but generate terain renderer (see pic), set the sun high or low, define haze colors, set water, camera position and more. free download and updating terragen makes much more possible but cost ya
  5. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Yipster Have you tried blender on Linux? I have it but dont know nothing on this sort of package now (getting too old now?)

    My model, could that be rendered in 3D for blender readily?
  6. Troutcatcher
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    Troutcatcher Junior Member

    Yipster, thanks for the tip. Terragen seems to be quite able.

    All the best,

  7. yipster
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    yipster designer

    when linux runs autocad, 3dmax adobe etc i love it but as it stands i can only salut my idealistic frends
    blender is sometimes not intuitive but ok and has some file transfer possibility's other programs miss
    everybody can run progs like terragen and have fun with it, the extras make it compatable and you could sail your boat in it like in a game
    a pic of your model can be brought into a 3d scene with poser i not have on hd now
    for real 3d animated rendering you first need a mesh, the 3d drawing
  8. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    OK thanks. I guess I will have to do some serious learning
  9. yipster
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    yipster designer

    you might live to regret that
  10. Troutcatcher
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    Troutcatcher Junior Member

    Lol!!! ;-)
  11. yipster
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    yipster designer

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  12. masalai
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    masalai masalai

    Nice image, pity it is monochrome & not a 6mp jpeg image as it could make nice wallpaper. Not bad video hidden under the - "this" - took me a while to detect the colour (must be going blind).

    Geeees, could one play forever with the software from the second site! Could make a good design tool, but would probably become a major distraction.
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