AWOL (David Perillo) build thoughts?

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by LastSamsara, Feb 24, 2021.

  1. LastSamsara
    Joined: Feb 2021
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    LastSamsara Junior Member

    Hey all, was just wondering if anyone has made the AWOL by David Perillo, it would be my first build and boat and was just curious on what it was like to build/sail.. was also wondering if the current rig specified would be half easy to learn on or if it could be changed, thanks!
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

  3. LastSamsara
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    LastSamsara Junior Member

    Crap must have read the article wrong, yes the first one you listed was the one I was looking at
  4. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    LS, re your previous thread here -
    Paul Riccelli Designs?
    I got the impression that you quite liked Nancy's China - are you definitely committing to the AWOL now instead?

    Before you get too committed, have you established a Statement of Requirements as to what you want your boat to be able to do?
    If you haven't, how about making some suggestions here as to what your constraints are - eg max / min size, weight, the type of sailing you want to, what kind of boat appeals to you most, etc - the more constraints that you can estbalish, the the easier it is (in a way) to narrow down the field and find a suitable plan for what you have in mind.

    The AWOL does look like a very nice and well thought out design, from a reputable designer, and the article notes that AWOL was the first boat that David had ever built, and he seems to have done a nice job of it, which should be encouraging for you, as you are in the 'same boat' effectively here.
    DogCavalry likes this.

  5. LastSamsara
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    LastSamsara Junior Member

    It's just been a hard decision picking a design haha, I was all for the nancy's china and was about to order plans but thought it might be nice to have something just a bit bigger but a similar design, my thoughts were to have a simple, light, robust boat for coastal sailing, but thought id regret not having a bit more space for an extra person or gear, so I'm thinking the AWOL might be a better choice, I just hope it will be a half forgiving boat to sail as far as the rigging goes
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