Awlgrip 2 part LPU over UNCURED Interlux Perfection 2 part

Discussion in 'Boatbuilding' started by socalspearit, Jun 25, 2024.

  1. socalspearit
    Joined: Apr 2021
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    socalspearit Senior Member

    Does anyone know if it's a bad idea to apply Awlgrip 2 part LPU over UNCURED Interlux Perfection 2 part (ie dry enough for recoat but within the 'no sand' window)? Or should the Interlux be allowed to fully cure for a few weeks first? So far, Jezebel is all roll and tip Interlux Perfection 2 part but the paint was discontinued. She needs 3 careful final coats to be finished and I have enough Perfection left for just one coat. The Interlux rep recommended just finishing with Awlgrip 2 party LPU (this is the stuff that West Marine carries). I do want to stick with 2 part LPU at this stage.

    I'm going to out of town for five weeks so either I use up my last bit of Perfection now and fully sand her when I get back, then do two coats of Awlgrip, or ideally, I just fully sand her now, and then when I get back and do the last three coats, going Perfection -> Awlgrip -> Awlgrip, all within the no sand recoat window (I still touch her lightly with 320 between coats but find the finish is better when I recoat within 12 - 24 hours).

  2. BlueBell
    Joined: May 2017
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    BlueBell . . . _ _ _ . . . _ _ _

    Follow the guidance of the Interlux rep.
  3. socalspearit
    Joined: Apr 2021
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    socalspearit Senior Member

    I heard back from Interlux tech support, and also I'd msged one of the Awlgrip people and they got back to me, too... They said the chemistry of Interlux Perfection and Awlgrip 2 part LPU is very, very close and it would be fine to do the Awlgrip over the Interlux before the Interlux had fully cured.

  4. fallguy
    Joined: Dec 2016
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    Awfulgrip [sic] takes a looong time to cure. Just be aware to avoid any airborne anything.

    The primer dries in like 8 seconds.
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