AVEVA Marine Help

Discussion in 'Software' started by zapata, Apr 1, 2015.

  1. zapata
    Joined: Mar 2015
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    zapata Junior Member

    I am currently learning how to use the software AVEVA marine. I have used most of the initial design sections in and am fairly confident using them.
    However, when using it i have only ever used offset data that has been given to me in a .cxml file from a bais ship and edited it from there.

    I want to start a bulk carrier project but i don't have any offset data or know how to get the initial hull form or the best way to go about making my own hull.

    Any advice would be helpful.
  2. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    Aveva marine is not that good for creating hull form. better use delftship or rhino or maxsurf to make your own hull and then import it to aveva marine for next phases. aveva marine is mainly used for structure and outfitting works.
  3. zapata
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    zapata Junior Member

    Thanks for the advice. Since making this feed I have made a hullform using rhino but I'm struggling to export to AVEVA. I can't find any file formats that are comparable between the software. Does anyone know the best way I can do it?
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I don't know Aveva but all important programs can export / import file in igs format. Rhino can do it.
  5. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    try to export from Rhino as STEP format.
  6. zapata
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    zapata Junior Member

    As far as I can work out the only files that can be imported to AVEVA are
    Hgn. form design files
    Blines. line files
    Dm. surface/compartment files
    Calc. calc/hydro files
    Bri. britfair files
    Dml. hull form files
    Cxml. calculation geometry files
  7. Dr34m3r
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    Dr34m3r Senior Member

    you will import the hull in Surface modul,

    If you want to put to Lines module, then try with BRI format, there was a convert of this in Tribon software, have not used long time, so cant remember well. If you are using legal version of the software, you must take training first ! its not a easy software.
  8. zapata
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    zapata Junior Member

    I'm getting training at the moment but trying to work this out in my break.
    How do you suggest I get the file into the dm file type for the surface module?

  9. pdmsvn
    Joined: Jun 2014
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    pdmsvn Junior Member

    I am also meet similar problem, i have made hull form in Napa, and export this surface in igs, stp format as well and then import this .stp format to Aveva 12.1 Sp4 by module Surface Manager (remember only Aveva 12.1 have this module, 12.0 can not afford), this problem here, i do not know next step how to do release this surface to next phrases to do structure and side shell, please help!
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