Aveva hull surface import

Discussion in 'Software' started by Alexanov, Apr 12, 2019.

  1. Alexanov
    Joined: Feb 2003
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    Alexanov Senior Member


    What is a best way to import hull surface to Aveva from Rhino?
  2. babri
    Joined: Sep 2009
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    babri Junior Member

    First, complete your surface and lines in rhino and make sure they are fair and Ok.
    Then, using control point of lines, make dat files and import them to Aveva Lines one by one. Don't import the surface.
    In the Lines, create a patch from imported lines. The shape or location of the patch is not important; What ever you like. Just select a correct name for it.
    Next, release the patch and all lines you need to Surface and Compartment.
    In the Surface and Compartment, delete the surface and import the correct surface from rhino using SAT format. Rename the imported surface to same name for deleted patch.
    Now, your correct surface is inside the Aveva and you can work on it and release it to other modules.
  3. Alexanov
    Joined: Feb 2003
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    Alexanov Senior Member

    How many man-hours I have to spend with all this magic tricks????
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