Autohydro - FSM trouble

Discussion in 'Software' started by bandit23gr, Apr 17, 2013.

  1. bandit23gr
    Joined: Mar 2013
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    bandit23gr Junior Member

    Good day everyone,

    I'm using the following macro in my .lib files
    macro "Intact Stability MaxFSM" /menu:Reporting
    note {CENTER}{BOLD} Max Free Surface Correction is implemented
    limits off
    limit(1) area from Equil to 30 > .055
    limit(2) area from Equil to 40 or fld > .09
    limit(3) area from 30 to 40 or fld > .03
    limit(4) RA at 30 or MAX > .2
    limit(5) angle at MAX > 25
    limit(6) GM > 0.15
    parts *.*
    st cart float dw we di /vo:cm /MAXFSM
    ra 0,5,...,90 /limit:attained /START : 0 /STOP : 90 /NOTES /MAXFSM
    parts OFF


    As far as i understand, autohydro uses MAXFSM as the maximum value for any load at the present heel and trim of the loading condition.

    1.Does anyone know if this can be changed so that it calculates MAXFSM for zero heel/trim? (actual heel/trim for the loading condition may be #0)

    2. I used "tc" command with zero heel/trim in order to report maximum FSM for all tanks. Is there a way to enter manually for every tank/group of tanks these FSM values in the above macro? Can anyone help with /USERFSM command?

    Thanx in advance for any reply.
  2. athvas
    Joined: Feb 2013
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    athvas Senior Member

    Tank filling status is not given in the command. how many tanks are there?. which version of autohydro u are using ?
  3. bandit23gr
    Joined: Mar 2013
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    bandit23gr Junior Member

    I use Autohydro version 5 & 6.

    There are about 40 tanks for the ship that i'm working on currently.

    For the loading conditions i use several .run files (see attached file).

    Attached Files:

  4. athvas
    Joined: Feb 2013
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    athvas Senior Member

    *******After loading the tanks follow the below command for userfsm method *****

    LOAD (NO1 OILTANK.P) 98%
    LOAD ------------------------------
    LOAD ------------------------------

    parts NO1 OILTANK.P
    parts --------------
    Parts ----------------

    fsm (NO1 OILTANK.P) 10.3
    fsm ----------------
    fsm ----------------

    st float dw fixed displ
    ra 0,4,..,60/usertankfsm/lim/notes

    The above command works on autohydro 6.3 version

    i have used one tank as example add remaing tanks and fsm values for corresponding tanks.
  5. bandit23gr
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    bandit23gr Junior Member

    I'll work on that and hope it is ok with previous version of autohydro than yours.

    Thank you for your valuable assistance and your time.

  6. KIRAN K P
    Joined: Feb 2022
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    KIRAN K P New Member

    Iā€™m facing problem with userfsm command in autohydro, when I give userfsm command in run file, report shows only ā€œ * ā€ in FSM column. Please help me with this issue. Any run file format for userfsm command?
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