Australian Joe Adams, book name and author sourcing

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by mustafaumu sarac, Sep 3, 2018.

  1. mustafaumu sarac
    Joined: May 2017
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    I want to learn the name , author , press name of Australian Joe Adams yacht design books ?
  2. MikeJohns
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    MikeJohns Senior Member

  3. mustafaumu sarac
    Joined: May 2017
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

    Graham has just overdosed with questions.

    Someone was talking about joe adams yacht design book third edition 1991 but I could not find anything.
  4. Leilani Adams
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    Leilani Adams New Member

    I could possibly help you with the first design book. Unfortunately I lost the last design book which is what you are after.

  5. mustafaumu sarac
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    mustafaumu sarac Senior Member

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