Asymmetrical catamaran

Discussion in 'Education' started by Bemair, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. Bemair
    Joined: Nov 2024
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    Bemair New Member

    Hi all, I am currently writing my master thesis, which will involve testing in a test pool asymmetric catamarans with a flat wall on the outside and a flat wall on the inside. For this I need a lines plan, obviously there are no such drawings for similar type of boats anywhere on the internet. So my question is, does anyone have photos in different projections of asymmetric catamarans of real ships? If there is, please send me a photo I will be very grateful.
  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Welcome to the forum.
    Why don't you create your boat's body line plan yourself? Being a student of a master you should already be able to do it. Anyway, an outline of what you want, with some dimensions will be very useful if someone wants to help you.
  3. Bemair
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    Bemair New Member

    Hello, you're right. I as a master student can create lines plan, but I would like to see a photo in order to decide on some dimensions and architectural construction type. My goal is a recreational catamaran for the coastal area, up to 12 people on board, no more than 20 metres long and preferably in displacement mode.
  4. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    The truth is, and I'm sorry if I totally disagree with your idea, I don't think that photos can define the dimensions of your boat. Without having the SOR of the boat, which only you know, it is impossible to determine the dimensions.
    I would like to help you, and I think I can, but you need to contribute more on your part.
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  5. Bemair
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    Bemair New Member

    I'm sorry, I have some problems communicating my ideas. Look, let's say I have a photo and the name of the project, then I can already find some information about the catamaran by the name. And if there is a photo in at least two projections, then I will be able to rebuild the third projection. After that, all this is coordinated by all projections in autocad and then scaled to the size that I want. The photo only serves to outline the lines in the autocad. I hope I was able to explain what I want.
  6. baeckmo
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    baeckmo Hydrodynamics

    Unfortunately Bemair, I have to rain on your parade. If you can't transfer your ideas into a drawing or a 3d model with a reasonable quality to calculate the necessary dimensions for the SOR, but resort to a "copycat" (pun intended....) approach, you are not ready for a thesis in my world.

    Besides, there have been tank tests done on this kind of asymmetrical catamarans (as well as on practically every other hull shape imagineable); you have to learn how to perform a scientific litterature search, it's all available out there!
    TANSL likes this.
  7. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Google search (images) will undoubtedly provide some of what you’re looking for.
    Your school should be providing extensive library materials relevant to your query.

  8. latestarter
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    latestarter Senior Member

    If the outside and the inside are both literally flat won't you have a plate with no beam?
    gonzo likes this.
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