Asymetric hull shunting monohull

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by BMP, Jun 27, 2022.

  1. BMP
    Joined: Jun 2022
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    BMP Junior Member

    I have been studying proa type boats and wondered if some of the features could be applied to a monohull. Such as a large windward pod that sits in the water when not heeled, a asymmetric hull similar to a proa, a lee pod for improved stability curve, and shunting instead of tacking so all the asymmetry works. Picture a bridge deck cat with one hull missing so that it sits on the bridge deck till it heels then looks like a cat flying a (invisible) hull. Throw on a lee pod so it doesn't get knocked down as easily and you get the idea.
    I'm guessing the it would suffer from pounding on the windward pod, which might also be a tempting target for breaking waves.

    Any thoughts?
  2. kapnD
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    kapnD Senior Member

    Wet boat!
  3. Flotation
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    Flotation Senior Member

    How do you imagine flying the windward pod for an extended time with the boat balanced on that narrow hull, without constant attention and input from crew?
    rwatson likes this.
  4. BMP
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    BMP Junior Member

    I would imagine it would be similar to dinghy/beach cat sailing. How would it be different from a normal proa or cat flying an ama?
    Maybe a much better question would be what would you change to make it more stable but still have the narrow heeled waterline?
  5. Flotation
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    Flotation Senior Member

    The difference compared to a more more standard cat/proa is that when the windward pod drops in your proposal drag will increase dramatically slowing you down to a crawl.

    A small hull to windward.
  6. BMP
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    BMP Junior Member

    That's what I was thinking, but I was hung up on the bottom of the windward pod pounding and getting flipped by waves.

  7. BMP
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    BMP Junior Member

    Just out of curiosity, how do you think it would compare against a conventional mono hull of the same L/B, L/D?
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