Ask Help about GHS (GS mould)

Discussion in 'Software' started by zzt9876, Apr 19, 2005.

  1. zzt9876
    Joined: Apr 2004
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    zzt9876 Junior Member

    Hi everyone :p ,
    I get the Grain shift program (GHS), I used it for the grain loading stability, but I have some question about it:
    I found the Gap may be input by directly and indirectly, when I input inderectly, I found the Gap is not equal the value which calculate by rule, why?
    and I found when I set the Gap value, I found the Gap is measure from the lowest point in longitude direction, if the hold type have upper stool in longitude direction, the void space will be not equal to the value assumed by
    rule, how to deal with this case?

    at last, Who can supply the sampe to me, the bulk type is best, therefore, I can study the GS program by myself.

    My email address:

    Thanks a lot.

  2. zzt9876
    Joined: Apr 2004
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    zzt9876 Junior Member

    why no reply in this thread???
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