Ashok Leyland diesels (India)

Discussion in 'Diesel Engines' started by makobuilders, Oct 9, 2011.

  1. makobuilders
    Joined: Feb 2009
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    makobuilders Member

    Anyone have experience with an Ashok Leyland marine diesel? The truck engines are very highly regarded here in Asia/Middle East. Old fashioned 4 strokes, 11 liters yields about 120hp at 1500 rpm. The ship yards I've been talking to pretty much insist on installing one for my design. Imported gear or machinery of any kind over here is too expensive.
  2. Frosty

    Frosty Previous Member

    Never heard of it Isuzu are high on the pedistal here.
  3. sabahcat
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    sabahcat Senior Member

  4. makobuilders
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    makobuilders Member

    I wish I could get my hands on another 6-71, my favorite engine in the world (except for the noise). However, by sourcing Indian components I can keep the construction costs down. It's so interesting how old-world this place is. Even their railcars are exactly the same design from 60 years ago. However, it's all so robust, simple, practical and repairable. This is the way I like it. The only computer you'll find on my trawler will be my kid's Nintendo DS! (That's a slightly exaggerated statement, but you get the point).
  5. nemier
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    nemier Junior Member

    Hello Mako!
    I realize that this thread is over 4 months old, but how you getting on with your build?
    I'm in Bombay Harbour right now and every bum-boat I see has that leyland in it. They are exactly as you say, simple, reliable and repairable...I would say perfect. I'm very interested to hear what you're putting together.

  6. makobuilders
    Joined: Feb 2009
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    makobuilders Member

    Hi Nemier. I was just getting ready to sign a contract to build but my company transferred me out of the country. My intent was to build a 45ft trawler based on a commercial fishing design. The Leyland would have been perfect and as you're discovering, is popular in that part of the world.
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