aren't Volvo "pods" very vulnerable to grounding or

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by Squidly-Diddly, Feb 24, 2011.

  1. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    even your odd floating branch?

    I can only think of a few places where there wouldn't be some threat of accidental grounding or lots of floating debris.

    And that combined with the high cost and "factory only" repair options would worry me.

    I didn't put this in propulsion because I didn't see a "pods" sub-category.

    Maybe this place should have a "grounding/accident" category.
  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    They have a good track record. What do you mean by "factory only" repairs. Trained dealers can install and repair them.
  3. Squidly-Diddly
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    Squidly-Diddly Senior Member

    I guess I meant "dealer only" which is going to mean only one

    possible business you can deal with in your neck of the woods, which normally means their price, their schedule, and god help you if you get stuck with a bad one, or your model turns out to be a "lemon" or is no longer supported.

    I'm guessing those using Pods are also those who don't often run in shallow or uncharted water(which seems to be where most of the fun is).

    Maybe an offshore sport fisher docking in a 'real' marina.
  4. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    They don't get more damaged than a propeller and shaft would. Depending on the configuration, the keel may be lower than the pods.
  5. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Dont know about grounding..... hit the bottom with any running gear and call the insurance co.

    I do observe that those pods have a huge surface area of exposed metal and are a living galvanic corrosion laboratory.

    Every vessel I see hauled with pods at the shipyard is subject to it.

    The one hauled today had three month old anodes that looked like zinc "Jellyfish " and pock marked antifouling all around the pods when hauled.

    If you opt for pods, insist that the pods are barrier coated and isolated.
  6. Pericles
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    Pericles Senior Member

    Four IPS 600 pods properly installed. You know what they say. "If you have to ask the price, you can't afford it."

    For a little less money.

    Volvo approve every installation, otherwise they will not supply. See the article in ProBoat Feb/Mar. Requires registration. Page 54 Re-powering a 1954 Huckins Corinthian 45 footer. Scroll down for part of the article.
    Last edited: Feb 27, 2011
  7. Pericles
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  8. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    volvo ips pods are sacrificial to prevent tearing the bottom out of the boat , i would think they are more prone to damage than anything i have ever seen. you say the keel maybe lower but it may not be either. even a deeper keel is not going to prevent strikes from floating objects and marine life. i do think the ips is a great system but it wouldn't last long on our lakes here with the amount of driftwood we get.
  9. Pericles
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    Pericles Senior Member


    $6million Lazzaras are NOT OZ lake boats. They are for carrying wealthy owners in tropical waters in more style than you & I can aspire to.
  10. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    Holy Mackerel !!!..... are you saying that simply because rich punters believe their broker and the sales brochure , then fit gear to their weekend toys means , this gear is good ?

    Whoa...if you wish to quote machinery applications, Id suggest commercial vessels, pilot boats, dive boats, tour boats... or any 1000 hr a year craft for application suitability...but never rich guys with weekend toys.
  11. Pericles
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    Volvo manufacture these units, because there is a strong market for them. They are for people who buy expensive things, not because they need them, but because they want them. Volvo IPS units very successfully match these parameters, likewise the Cummins Zeus drives. The boats damn near park themselves, as a result of these drives.;) A case of "Build it and they will come".

    Have you the courage of your convictions to hop on a plane to Sweden, march up to the CEO of Volvo and tell him how wrong you think Volvo are for creating propulsion systems, which do not have your personal approval?

    Of course you have every right to your own opinion, but in the general scheme of things I know where I would invest my money. It is a case of horses for courses.

    The owners of commercial vessels, pilot boats, dive boats and tour boats use the craft that work best for them. Would you think it sensible to use a Ferrari as a taxi or as delivery van?

    Do please write to Lazzara and tell them how much you disapprove of their decisions to use Pod Drives on their LSX 78, LSX 92 & Breeze 76 vessels and then publish the reply on this forum. It'll be entertaining. Address below.

    Now where did I put my canoe paddle and my dinghy baler? I'm bloody stuck up a creek.
  12. michael pierzga
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    michael pierzga Senior Member

    I have no idea about the life cycle of a pod drive. Volvo make good products.

    My only observation....from seeing several units hauled for maintenance, is that they present a huge metal underwater surface area....HUGE. Reducing sea water, metallic pod drive contact with some barrier coat to lessen galvanic action should be considered.

    Whether the pod system is Good or a lightweight steamroller... I dont know.

    My instinct tells me that they are vulnerable to striking underwater debris and it also tells me that all electronic or proprietary technology hard to service on the road.
  13. Pericles
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    Pericles Senior Member

  14. Nurb
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    Nurb Junior Member

    Would be interested if anyone is in a position to have insurance tally / repair yard cost / damage stats from impacts with these pods compared with conventional sterndrives or inboards.

  15. whitepointer23

    whitepointer23 Previous Member

    fair enough, but there cruisers under 40ft with ips. they are not 6 million dollar boats. if you had ever been on the gippsland lakes in oz or the lakes above sydney you would know there are several multi million dollar boats on them.
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