Are vehicle breakins or theft a big problem at medium use boat ramps?

Discussion in 'All Things Boats & Boating' started by Raptor88, May 11, 2021.

  1. Raptor88
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    Raptor88 Junior Member

    Planning to build a Jon boat but now it occurred to me that it would be easy for thieves to watch folks launch their boat, park their vehicle, hop on their boat and head out. The thieves would know that the people would be gone for hours with the vehicle unattended.

    How bad is the problem of vehicle breakins or theft at boat ramps? Not the remote secluded boat ramps but maybe medium use boat ramps. Not location specific but in general.
  2. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Best speak to the local police about that one, it depends where you live, but can happen anywhere, just a case of how likely. One where video surveillance is installed would help. If there is residential housing there, that has to help, thieves like their privacy !
  3. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I keep my trailer locked on the hitch. Just use a padlock instead of a pin.

    I keep no bills or money or things of value in plain view. Sometimes, I put a couple wadded up paper towels on the floor and seat to make it look gross. But don't overdo it.

    If I leave the truck for a long time. I park it close to the entrance.

    Most of the time it is not an issue. Trust me on the don't leave lots of stuff in the car. A clean car with a couple of snot rags on the floor does not look inviting to a crook.
  4. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

    If you have a specific ramp in mind, go there and ask the people who use it, or the local PD. They'll know if there have been car break-ins. Never happened to me at a ramp, but then I use the boat ramp on a military base. As was said above, don't leave anything that looks valuable in the vehicle. If you have stuff, lock it in the trunk. The only time my car has been broken into was at a city park and my daughter left a tote bag on the seat. They broke the window and stole the bag. Unfortunately, what was in the bag was only valuable to my daughter.
  5. Raptor88
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    Raptor88 Junior Member

    I'll check with the local police but just trying to get an overview from folks who actually park their vehicle at boat ramps first. Thanks.
  6. Raptor88
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    Raptor88 Junior Member

    Is your vehicle a fairly new one or an older one that is in less demand for thieves? We have a 2019 Honda Odyssey and not sure how much of a target it is for thieves. Would surely not leave anything in the van that might look like it's holding something.
  7. Raptor88
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    Raptor88 Junior Member

    Yes, I'll check with the local police but just trying to get a preview feel of the situation before asking them. A boat ramp on a military base would not be a concern for me at all. Lucky you!
  8. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    My wife has a 2020 Tesla S, but I drive an old pickup or a 2008 Toyota Highlander and car thieves love the Highlanders. Thieves are opportunistic. Leave keys in ignition, purses in plain view, money in console, someome pops a window and vanishes in 5 minutes or slim jims. Police patrol boat landings quite a bit. They know cars are unattended and people get into altercations at boat landings often. There is always some jerkwad who thinks he can crack the whip or another one who thinks he gets an hour on the launch. Most cars today have a break in alarm, but I don't use it if I'll be overnite. Last thing I want is a broken window and a dead battery..

    You'll be fine, just leave a couple snot rags in plain view and nothing else. Cars with stuff in get broken into.
  9. Raptor88
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    Raptor88 Junior Member

    Thanks for your update.

    I'll install a secret ignition disconnect switch so our van can't be stolen. I installed one in our previous Toyota Sienna van and had a lot of peace of mind when we took vacation trips. Won't leave anything in the van that looks like it might contain something. Thanks.
  10. Mr Efficiency
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    Mr Efficiency Senior Member

    Most times it is the cover of night that sees villains in action at boat ramps, they are less likely to be disturbed, as few people are coming or going by night, and the few vehicles that are left overnight are vulnerable, you don't get the protection of being just one of a large number of possible targets.

  11. Raptor88
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    Raptor88 Junior Member

    We'll only be out on the boat during daylight hours so won't be susceptible to night time theft. Thanks.
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