AQWA doubt

Discussion in 'Software' started by hareeshm227, Mar 8, 2016.

  1. hareeshm227
    Joined: Feb 2016
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    hareeshm227 New Member

    Hi guys. I am trying to find out the effect of tendon forces on the response of TLPs. I have considered a standard ISSC TLP from literature for this purpose.

    I need to obtain coupled and uncoupled responses of TLP in AQWA.
    Coupled response is the case where wave and current forces on the hull as well as tendon is considered while obtaining time responses.
    Uncoupled response is when these forces on the hull alone is considered while obtaining time responses...
    I want to obtain these two cases in AQWA
    Is there a way?..
  2. formsys
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    formsys formsys

    All of the offshore motions analysis systems like AQWA, MOSES and others use the same approach. You can do a quick uncoupled analysis in the frequency domain but if you want a coupled analysis, you will need to run a time domain analysis. That's how it works in MOSES (what I am familiar with) - I presume AQWA is the same.
  3. hareeshm227
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    hareeshm227 New Member

    First of all Thanks a lot for responding.
    I want to do analysis in time domain only. But i don't know how to do it.
    After defining mooring cables and assigning stiffness and pretension i obtained a time response. I think that's supposed to be coupled response.
    But now i need uncoupled response. I have to ignore the forces on the tendons and obtain the response. How can i do this?...
  4. mildteal
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    mildteal Junior Member

    Regarding design of TLP in AQWA, how do you model the tendons? Do you use linear cable by mentioning only linear stiffness?
  5. b1ck0
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    b1ck0 Senior Member

    So much nonsense in one topic ...

    You will remove the forces from the tendons - this is hilarious ... Your TLP will capsize due to its negative stability ...

  6. gust
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    gust Junior Member

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