Aquajeep 430 boat

Discussion in 'Powerboats' started by valvebounce, Sep 18, 2017.

  1. valvebounce
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    Sorry I can't help you out Jim,if it helps there is a vid of one being launched in Morecambe bay by a guy on his own.
  2. Jim C
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    Jim C New Member

    Launching/recovery is easy enough it was more towards towing weight I needed. Thanks anyway great wee boats....

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  3. valvebounce
    Joined: Dec 2010
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    Nice looking well equipped looking boat Jim,Is that a Loch in the background?
    I have the same question about my boat weight.
    Lifting them off the trailer is the problem.
    I've thought of using a public weighbridge,weighing either the trailer or the boat would do.
    Then weighing both,and subtracting one weight from the other.
    Some of the old scrapyards would have been handy,they could lift the boat of with a crane ,and then weigh the
    trailer on it's own.Put the boat back on the trailer,and then weigh both together.
    My boat is fairly light,so I don't have to worry about a braked trailer.I suppose if yours is borderline it could be a problem."V"
  4. Jim C
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    Jim C New Member

    Yes it's loch Ryan in Stranrear off the Irish sea, great wee place. Next time I'm out I'll maybe head to a weigh bridge near by and chance my luck at a shot of it...! Maybe for the price of a pint or two the lads will oblige... it's been a labour of love, the time put in to it is ridiculous but free I suppose... thanks for the reply Jim
  5. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    We had one craned off to change a trailer,you will need decent straps and padding.
    The less you lift the boat the better.
    If you know someone with a crane,you could take the boat there,and leave it suspended while you take the trailer to a weighbridge.
    I'm going to google the Loch.
    It's a great site this,they help you out with anything."V"
  6. Mike Williams
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    Mike Williams New Member

    Hi, I realise this is rather dated now, but I may be of some help for the Aquajeep fraternity.

    The boats were built in Bridgnorth, Shropshire, back in the 1970's. A heavy lay-up of fibreglass with all the original boats in a lurid yellow. A very few were made in orange and even more rare, there were a handful - literally - produced with a stainless steel perimeter and no superstructure, for the Royal Marines as a trial exercise. With no deck or foredeck, they were lower in the water, and lower still with two four-man teams of RM and SBS guys on board.

    Sou'wester Marine were the design owners and manufacturers.

    They boats were designed to work with Mercury 80HP power trim and Morse steering. Trailers were specially made by Snipe with supports to fit inside the catamaran "tunnel"

    Most came out with the 80HP Merc, a nav light and fold-flat windscreens. Speedo was a pressure-based system. It was also possible to specify a very well made canopy covering the whole boat.

    I hope this helps, and can confirm their sea-keeping abilities. I took one to Llandudno and the sea state changed from reasonable to a 5ft chop, which it handled with ease.
  7. bazilbutler
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    bazilbutler New Member

    Morning all
    Very interested to read this thread and thanks for reviving it with such great info Mike.
    I have just purchased a AJ which needs complete restoration over (a lot of) time so very keen to find out as much as possible about the history and design methods used.
    Please feel free to share as much info as you like! Any advice on sourcing original equipment and more suggested mods would be brilliant.
  8. Ray Whitsell
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    Ray Whitsell New Member

    Always loved these boats since they were introduced to Ireland by “Derg Marine” back in the 1980’s…. Very hard to find a pristine model at the moment but have been working on and off on one for a number of years, very solid hull, added an Evinrude etec 60 HP and new trailer, upgraded all the electrics and lighting to LED…. 45DE0493-7D82-4DBD-A80E-E835C5A06980.jpeg E1E107AC-D208-44E3-B9AB-DD375AC0608B.jpeg
    bajansailor likes this.
  9. ViktorRF
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    ViktorRF New Member

    Hello, gentlemen. I got such a boat Aquajeep 430. Tell me how to properly hang the Yamaha F60CETL motor on this boat. Deepening? You can take a photo as you have it installed. Thanks. Sorry for my English.
  10. Ian Sherratt
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    Ian Sherratt New Member

    Hi ray just purchased the Aqua jeep hulls in good shape just looking at your trailer have you got any more pictures, i need to tow it from Wales to warrington, hopfully get it back in one piece first job is trailer just wondering about rollers and guide
  11. Ray Whitsell
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    Ray Whitsell New Member

    You need a bunked trailer to haul the Aquajeep, they were on a customised basic bunk trailer from the manufacturer day one, but they rotted out from under most of them, I upgraded to a Braked Indespension Dipper, probably overkill but safe and easy launch....had to suspend the boat on a sling between 2 trees to change trailer...real "McGyver" job! added a few rubber strips on the axle and supports in case of rubbing....(Not in the Pictures)
    Here is the link to the type of trailer
    Last edited: Sep 21, 2021
  12. Ray Whitsell
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    Ray Whitsell New Member

    Jeep New Cover.jpg Boat Tree.jpg old Trailer.jpg New Trailer.jpg Boat Tree.jpg old Trailer.jpg New Trailer.jpg
    Dug out a few Pics of the trailer switch and will give you an idea of the "Bunks"
  13. valvebounce
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    valvebounce Senior Member

    Ingenious bit of engineering there. under the shade of old apple tree,a fine Aquaboat I did see,Haha.
    Great pics.
  14. Mervyn harris
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    Mervyn harris New Member

    Hi does anyone know who might be selling an aqurajeep 430 boat -- I am after one

  15. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

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