Apprenticeship as traditional wooden boat builder

Discussion in 'Education' started by bikemaniac, Jan 29, 2006.

  1. bikemaniac
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    bikemaniac New Member

    I'm in trouble! I just finished my masters degree in materials science/engineering (I have bachelor in mechanical engineering) but I have serious longings for wooden boat building. The standard engineering life does not appeal to me. I'm just not the behind the desk guy. I have been in various large engineering companies working or doing internships, and when watching those full-time employees I get a weird feeling in my stummick. I'm strange, because opposed to all my friends having done long academic educations I'm not looking for money, fame and career. My friends constantly talk about how much they are going to earn etc and what dishes they wanna buy for their new appartment. I don't have those feelings right now.

    When I was 18 I built my own 16 foot canadian stip planked canoe so I have a bit experience and during the last 10 years I have always been acting like a handyman doing repair stuff for other people. I have been working as a bricklayer and blacksmith too. I really like working with my hands.

    So what am I looking for? A small boat shop which uses traditional boat building techniques (small boats). I don't wanna work with glass fibre and computers. Ultimately I'm only interested in a place with four walls and roof (housing) + some food (money is not important). Very importantly I wanna be challanged. I wanna build something beautiful which I can be proud of. I would love if the boat shop were located in some beautiful nature/scenery maybe in the middle of nowhere where nature and craft becomes one! It would be really cool to hear the birds singing while working and watching how nature changes during the year. Am I just dreaming or do places like this still exist?

    Data: Male, 27 years old, has been traveling a lot in Europe and America. Has bicycled three times across America. Speeks Danish, Engllish, German.

    So let me hear. If the perfect job arises I'm willing to move anywhere - and I mean anywhere incl. Yukon and Alaska :).

    Regards, Lucas Jensen
  2. 1995 crew
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    1995 crew Junior Member

  3. Shala L
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    Shala L New Member


    We may be looking for someone with your background in sunny San Diego. If you are interested please send me your CV. We are a rapidly expanding boat yard with an emphasis in wooden boats. We build boats from scratch, restore older yachts and do routine maintenence on smaller boats(less than 70 feet). Please contact me if you are interested.
  4. TimClark
    Joined: Nov 2005
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    TimClark Senior Member

    If you really want to learn some really useful stuff, I have an idea. It's not an apprenticeship but it's like a 2 year educational program. Go to and see if you can get into there full time course. It takes 2 years to complete and you learn many very important things from designing a boat, to building boats, and its all wooden boat stuff. It seems like it would be right up your alley. It takes place in Newport, RI, and is you build 2 boats in the proccess. I would think it's a very good place for you. Good Luck.

    P.S.-This place is right on Newport Harbor, it has an awesome view of the water and is really an awesome place. They also have awesome facilities and everything you would need.

  5. Wellydeckhand

    Wellydeckhand Previous Member

    Whom it may concern lookin for job

    Try Borneo with its deep rainforest....... making river boat and opportunity to meet with expat in remote places......... make money while learning the culture....... in Kalimantan it is safer than any part of the country........ interested? PM me........... What ever work out for u depend on your spirit incline ok............ :):):)

    House full furnished come with maid:D
    Transportation motorbike
    Pay........ Salary in Indonesian currency( not expired type)
    Health care full plan ( plus dentist)

    Must able to improve wodden boat of the dayak people and work hamony with nature......... Thrash music is allowed on weekend.:p:p:p

  6. susa
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    susa New Member

    hi lucas,

    i've just stopped working for a place close to munich restoring wooden sailing boats.

    munich is not sunny san diego, and surely not borneo. but it's really nice too.

    let me now if your interested

  7. Wellydeckhand

    Wellydeckhand Previous Member

    Borneo Is In The Tropic..........jungle...:D:D:D..... Lots of wood and material
  8. Ari
    Joined: Jan 2006
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    Ari Patience s/o Genius

    Those Dayaks are friendly lots..the rice tapai do flows very well..smooth..the girls are beautifull..lots of wood in the jungle..stock lots of ore in the backyard..the Rupiah is not that impressive..just bring some Euro and convert it to Rupiah..your living cost is in Rupiah..Bom dia senhor..don,t take too long to think..Welly is waiting :) You might strike jack pot dear friend.:D
  9. Wellydeckhand

    Wellydeckhand Previous Member

    Ari...... u r cute........ u take the fun out from courtship by saying phat.......:):):)....... Indeed...... used to have White Raja from British empire livin in the heart of the Borneo land puffin dayak weed and drinking borak with dayak warrior and making love with native glorious madien........Brook i think........:D:D:D ........ too bad i am still a bachelor so couldnt understand the pleasure.:D:D:D
  10. Ari
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    Ari Patience s/o Genius

    Tut..tut..tut..lucky bachelor..:D Yee ha..Raw..hide..yeee haw..Long live Rajah Welly..The Brooke family are not interested to run that state..passed it to the Queen..the hymns from them mosquitoes maybe encouraged the empire to let go that state and they joint Malaya..after the thats officially ended the reign of the White Rajah in Sarawak..Sabah of course is different story..but they also decided to joint Sarawak, Malaya and Singapura to form Malaysia in 1967..Singapura decided to be on their started the reign of Emperor Lee till today..Malaysia led by the Malay prince of Thai origin..the orang Ulu and Dayaks of Borneo rise up to be the kings in their land..till today..ahh..history. Their maidens..are very daring lots..too bad I'am surrounded by two beautiful dragons..:D they manage to parry off.. the attacks every time..:D
  11. Wellydeckhand

    Wellydeckhand Previous Member

    U have 2 wife?....... cool...... I am courting a girl and she knew i was preparing to marry the other one first and my other children did not object. Weird lives we live huh........:D:D:D
  12. Ari
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    Ari Patience s/o Genius

    Even in Malaysia there is strong movement by the women section to technically banned polygamy. Only the rich and famous can practice polygamy not the poor..:mad: and I'am not Rich and famous..and we have 55% female in our population..the balance are male and others..:D.but for sure there is some ways to do it one..:cool: bike maniac never reply la..
  13. Herbert lotz
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    Herbert lotz Junior Member

    Hi so its not only me that is crazy. I had just finnished a three year contract third biggest suspention bridge to date at the time Huston Ship channel, Texas Highway Department round end of 1992 before Nelson Mandela was releast. Some how we completed the fabrication of the steel girders, anchor boxes, Ibeams ext. all this during the last hours of aparteit. Massive labour problems needles to say SA was still under sanctions. Quite some stress ball to chew on.
    Well the same day and im not kidding I pulled up in my drive, opend the post box and there they were, aplication forms to the International Boatbuilding Training Centre in the UK.
    Right then and there i desided wooden boats it is and iv never looked back.
    Go for it its all about complex curves and its extremly rewarding almost theraputic to a point.
  14. Herbert lotz
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    Herbert lotz Junior Member

    Oh and just by the way I know have that small ( one of the only wooden boatyards in SA) in a place called Knysna. See if you can find it your welcome to help I have a 35 ft Bristol Cutter to complete (Lyle Hess)

  15. Herbert lotz
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    Herbert lotz Junior Member

    Knysna is one of the most stunning areas in South Africa, it boasts some of the best mountain bikeing trails, good surf and sunshine oh and we some times go sailing.
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