Applying Clear finish to boat

Discussion in 'Materials' started by MrSteveWayne, Jun 27, 2024.

  1. MrSteveWayne
    Joined: Jun 2024
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    MrSteveWayne New Member

    I have a bass boat that needs a light sanding and new clear coat applied. My boat is a 88 Stratos, Blue matallac, with a silver metalflake. I have been reading about PO5 clear, KBS clear, and Marine coat one, and Imron clear by Dupont. Now I am more confused than ever. Does anyone now what I should use? or are there any better clears other ones out there you could suggest me use? This is my first time doing this and I do want a good product that will last.
    Thank you in advance for your ideas!
  2. ondarvr
    Joined: Dec 2005
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    ondarvr Senior Member

    Most resprays with clear fail rather soon, so don't expect much. Part of the problem is that the surface is rarely sanded thoroughly enough, and this is from the fear of sanding into the flake. If you sand into the flake layer it typically looks terrible and there's no way to fix it after that.

    Also clears tend to degrade sooner in the sun than pigmented paints.

    Prep a small area and use some rattle can clear on it to see if you like the look. The clear can be wiped off with an acetone rag if you decide that's the way you want to go.
    fallguy likes this.
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