Anyone with information on this sail boat

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by Bruce Davis, Dec 29, 2020.

  1. Bruce Davis
    Joined: Dec 2020
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    Bruce Davis New Member

    Hi I am new to this site and new to sail boats. I purchased this boat at a clearence sale but I only wanted the trailer.
    After covid struck I decided to do some restoration on it, but I know very little about it.
    It has tanks for water ballast either side that are filled when the boat is launched and the slides each side of the retractable keel are turned.
    In the cabin it has a table that folds down to a bed. Toilet and cupboards and sink and fresh water tank, and sleeping up the front.
    Is is approx 7m long. The mast stands only 2m from the stern which I wondering would this boat only have one front sail that is on a furling system. I have attached some photos that may be of help. I purchased the boat in Cobram Vic.
    IMG20201214170101.jpg IMG20201229114858.jpg IMG20201229114842.jpg IMG20201214170101.jpg IMG20201229114858.jpg IMG20201214170101.jpg IMG20201229114842.jpg
  2. sharpii2
    Joined: May 2004
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    sharpii2 Senior Member

    This boat looks like a work in progress. I see no sheet leads for the big jib, let alone for the small main (if there is one).

    Did this boat come with a boom?

    Can you take a top view picture of the cockpit area?

    This boat looks like a custom design that the builder didn't finish.

    It looks like it is intended to be a jib only boat.

    A top view picture of the cockpit may help solve the mystery.
  3. Bruce Davis
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    Bruce Davis New Member

    Hi thanks very much for your reply. It didn't come with any boom or main sail. Only a furling jib and ropes for jib and furling system. I will attach photos of boat that may help, set up sail in backyard . Cheers IMG20201230140205.jpg IMG20201230131143.jpg IMG20201230120649.jpg IMG20201230140239.jpg
  4. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    It looks like a Hartley. Look up Hartly Boats
  5. sharpii2
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    sharpii2 Senior Member

    Thanks for the pictures.

    This is clearly intended to be a jib-only boat.

    If it is a Hartley, the builder probably modified the design quite a bit.
  6. Bruce Davis
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    Bruce Davis New Member

    Hi Thanks to all that have replied, the information supplied has been very useful. I will continue the restoration and try and get it back on the water. I have attached a photo the day of the sale. Cheers. IMG_20191120_144550.jpg
  7. Ike
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    Ike Senior Member

  8. CT249
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    CT249 Senior Member

    Too fine in the bow for a Hartley, and only single chine. Looks more like a modified Young 6.7, which normally has a sloop rig. The 6.7 is also water ballasted. In its standard form, with open transom and sloop rig, it seems to be a damn fine boat.

    The previous owner may have modified it because of the fake news about sloop rigs. There's many claims made about sloop rigs being inferior that are demonstrably false, but some people believe them. It looks like the main bulkhead is still there, so she could be modified back to the normal rig and be a great little boat.

    There's a Jim Young Trailerable Yachts Facebook page and a fair bit of other information about the 6.7 on the web.

  9. Bruce Davis
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    Bruce Davis New Member

    Hi CT249 thanks for your interest in my project, After reading your post I can see that this boat is most likely a modified Jim Young 6.7m, it has all the characteristics you describe and seeing pictures of his 6.7 design adds to it origins, but not being a boat builder I will enjoy her as is or pass her onto a new owner.
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