Anyone will to provide a little help with DraftSight

Discussion in 'Software' started by oddboatout, Aug 17, 2013.

  1. oddboatout
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    oddboatout Junior Member

    Anyone willing* to provide a little help...

    Hello fellow designers.

    I just downloaded DraftSight and am trying to move from hand drawing to CAD. I am doing pretty well but have come to a problem that I need some help with.

    If I have the following shape:


    and I want to draw a line from the ends of the vertical line that bends to each of the three horizontal lines (think one have of a hull looking down) how do I do that?

    Thank you
  2. Tad
    Joined: Mar 2002
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    Tad Boat Designer

    I think you want a "spline"

    The spline button is about in the middle of your "Draw" toolbar (The one with "Line" at the top or left corner). It's the snakey thing with a point on each end. A spline can have as many control points as you like along it. Each point is a left click and a right click is the end. If you have trouble look for Spline in the Help menu......
  3. oddboatout
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    oddboatout Junior Member

    Thank you. I was having a problem with spline that I did not move beyond my lines to fair it.
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