Anyone know what this is?

Discussion in 'Sailboats' started by sonosail, Jan 7, 2009.

  1. sonosail
    Joined: Mar 2008
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    sonosail SONOSAIL

    Probably a van de Stadt design. Appears to be plywood contruction. Date & specs. unknown.


    Randy Browning
    Norwalk, CT

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  2. Fanie
    Joined: Oct 2007
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    Fanie Fanie

    A sailboat or yacht.

    Did I win anything ? :D

    Nice looking though.
  3. wmonastra
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    wmonastra Junior Member

    To me it looks like some sort of folk boat perhaps??? could be wrong, it does look nice, where can i get one...
  4. sonosail
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    sonosail SONOSAIL

    Mystery boat

    No. It's definitely not a folkboat. I think it may be some Dutch one-design class. Pretty sure it's van de Stadt. Probably brunzeel plywood. My guess late 1940's. A friend of mine just bought it and I'm trying to figure out what it is. There is a book that catalogues a lot of the van de Stadt designs. If no one comes up with an anwer I just may spring for it even though the price is a little steep.

  5. Gary Baigent
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    Gary Baigent Senior Member

    May be a van de Stadt Yachting World Seahorse - but I can't remember if they have a separate rudder or not; if the latter is the case I am way wrong..
  6. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    nice boat
    no clue
  7. rrhal
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    rrhal Junior Member

    From the shear line down it kind of looks like a thunderbird. But the cabin doesn't look right. Any idea how long it is?
  8. sonosail
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    sonosail SONOSAIL

    Picture is all I have to go on or now. I personally haven't even seen the boat. But we know it's van de Stadt. Apparently that is mentioned in some kind of documention he has. Looks like it's probably iron ballast. Tabernacle mast step like many of his designs. I think the seahorse has a longer coach roof and more of a cruiser. Not sure thought. Could be an orphan, but I doubt it. Thanks for your input though. Good guesses all.
  9. Boston

    Boston Previous Member

    I looked up the sea horse
    its not it
    still looking

  10. sonosail
    Joined: Mar 2008
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    sonosail SONOSAIL

    Mystery solved

    Old thread, but just to clear it up.

    It's a Juno class. designed in 1951.
    Information from "E.G. van de Stadt, Pionier in jachtontwerpen" Publisher: Van Wijnen, Franeker, Netherlands. ISBN 9789051942184:
    "The Juno was meant as cabin yacht, suitable for journeys on the bigger rivers and lakes, enough sea going to allow a responsible crossing over the IJsselmeer."

    LOA 6.78 m
    LWL 5.45 m
    B 2.00 m
    D 0.95 m
    sail 18.40 m2

    Thanks to everyone who took an interest.

    Randy Browning
    Norwalk, CT
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