Anyone have a 15ft or 16 ft bay boat mold? Should I try to track down a mold or build my own?

Discussion in 'Fiberglass and Composite Boat Building' started by Oceanview boatworks, Aug 7, 2022.


Should I build a mold or track one down

  1. Build a mold

    1 vote(s)
  2. Buy a mold

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  1. Oceanview boatworks
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    Oceanview boatworks Junior Member

    I want to build some no frills bay boats between 15ft and 16ft. I plan on putting 9.9hp outboards on them and using them as rental boats. Any thoughts? Anyone have a mold? I'm looking for something like a Privateer.
  2. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Welcome to the Forum Oceanview.
    What type of boats are you currently building in your Boatworks?

    I had to google a Privateer bay boat - here are some links -
    Privateer Bay Boat 16'

    Privateer Bay Boat - Restoration and repower — Jay Fleming

    These folk are in North Carolina - they mention in the same location as the previous Privateer factory, so does this mean that the Privateers are no longer being built? They do not appear to build any boats smaller than 24' though.
    Radcliffe Boatworks
  3. fallguy
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  4. Oceanview boatworks
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    Oceanview boatworks Junior Member

    I'm not building boats yet. I can do anything from hurricane damaged write-offs to a little mess up at the dock. As well as Wooden boat repairs.
  5. Oceanview boatworks
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    Oceanview boatworks Junior Member

  6. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    I assume you are in or around Norfolk, VA, USA and you wish to build several hulls for a boat livery; perhaps for in and around Hampton Roads, just offshore, and the Chesapeake bay and rivers.
    This now falls under the preview of US Federal Law and USCG oversight. I would suggest starting from scratch with a new mould and design that meets the present regulations for financial and insurance reasons.
    The most important point is that the law (46 CFR, 33 CFR, and any state law) is about public safety, and the rules (ABS, DNVGL, ABYC, IMO, and ISO) are about protecting the investors and insurers financial interests. While the law sometimes references the rules (e.g. SOLAS, ABYC A-16, or UL 1426), you must keep in mind that they are separate requirements for different reasons.

    If you want to build a vessel for your sole personal use, never to be sold, or hired, or offered for service and only operated in state waters....then only state law governs.
    If you want to insure that vessel, then the insurer may require you to meet some of the rules.
    If you want to finance that vessel, then the financier may require you to meet some of the rules.
    If you want to operate that vessel in federal waters, then you have to meet federal law.
    If you want to operate that vessel for hire or for services, then you need to meet specific federal laws (e.g. 46 CFR, Chapter 1, Sub-chapter M, T, U, etc.)
    If you want to build that vessel for sale, again you need to meet specific federal laws (e.g. 46 CFR, Chapter 1, Sub-chapter Q, etc.)
    fallguy and bajansailor like this.
  7. Oceanview boatworks
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    Oceanview boatworks Junior Member

    That's a lot to take in. I plan to rent boats to people to go fishing. No captain or crew just boat and motor for 5 people or less. In Virginia you don't need to take the boating safety course if the boat is under 16' and motor is under 10hp. So that's why I want something between 15' and 16'. I'm not sure what requirements would apply, do you? Thanks for your time and input.
  8. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I forgot about the commercial use stuff.

    Forget my link.

    Hardiman is correct. You can't build a few boats without a lot of hoop jumping.

    Just buy some boats. Much cheaper for what you are showing I'd say.
  9. Oceanview boatworks
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    Oceanview boatworks Junior Member

  10. jehardiman
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    jehardiman Senior Member

    If you are forming a business, I would ask your lawyer how this plays out in your state. 46 CFR § 175.110 - General applicability.
    Having lived there many moons ago, I know Virginia is NOT a no-fault state and I know from other rulings having a rental agreement that complies to 46 CFR 175.110 (a) (3) does not protect the owner of the vessel. YMMV.
    Did Overloaded Boat Cause Deaths of Two People on James River in Newport News? - Cooper Hurley Injury Lawyers
  11. Oceanview boatworks
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    Oceanview boatworks Junior Member

    Thanks for your input. Do you know how big of a hassle it is to jump through all the hoops? Have you ever done it? Reading through those codes is harder then building the boats lol. I really appreciate your time and thoughts.
  12. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

  13. Oceanview boatworks
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    Oceanview boatworks Junior Member

    Thanks. That's sad it can get very rough there. When I was a kid I worked at a marine where we rented boats just like what I want to build without any problems.... surprisingly.
    bajansailor likes this.
  14. bajansailor
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    bajansailor Marine Surveyor

    Everything has changed a lot since then - some for better (eg re sensible rules regarding safety), and some for worse (re mind numbing bureaucracy and hoops that must be jumped through).
    It would probably be cheaper and easier / less hassle in the long run to simply buy some suitable second hand skiffs that have already been 'approved'.

  15. fallguy
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    fallguy Boat Builder

    I'd probably start the process with the insurer. The boat insurance market is flooded and they might laugh at the old boats for rentals.

    I have to get my custom built boat insured and am a bit nervous about it.
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