Anyone ever heard of the boswell skiff? Please speak up; plans wanted

Discussion in 'Boat Design' started by secondmouse1990, Dec 10, 2011.

  1. secondmouse1990
    Joined: Sep 2011
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    secondmouse1990 New Member

    The boswell skiff is a boat that only appears to exist on youtube.
    the owner also calls it an elwood skiff.
    It is also labeled a crab skiff.

    It is apparently made in several sizes, including at least 14, 15 16 and 17 feet loa.

    It is very efficient, the 17 footer with a 6 foot beam planing with 10 hp.

    Someone, likely the builder, has a youtube channel, boztec1, and has posted several videos of this boat but has not replied to either of my two comments despite me subscribing to his channel.

    I posted one an hour after he put up a video asking if plans exist, and two hours after that he puts up another video giving a brief look around of the boat but no reply to my comment.

    His videos show it at lake onadaga in upstate new york, and on the pokomke river.
  2. secondmouse1990
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    secondmouse1990 New Member

  3. messabout
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    messabout Senior Member

    The pictures suggest that it is a flat bottomed skiff that is wide on the bottom, and built to a minimum weight. Nothing remarkable about that. That it can move well with small horsepower is because it has a lot of bottom and is light weight over all.

    Any number of designers that frquent this forum can duplicate the plans for such a boat. It will be simple to build and involve only modest cost.
  4. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    Crab and clamming skiffs have been around for a long time and as Messabout suggests, nothing especially unique. I as well as likely every other designer have designs like this.


    This is Digger a 17' version of the classic clamming skiff.
  5. Outlaw45
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    Outlaw45 Senior Member

    BUMP. has anyone ever built par's 17ft digger? would really like to see one. thanks


  6. PAR
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    PAR Yacht Designer/Builder

    There are several running around. As with most "working skiffs", little fanfare has been made about the freshly built "yacht" in some fisherman's garage. She's not fancy, doesn't have a swim platform with bikini clad teenagers on it, she'd limited in top speed and water conditions, so finding an owner with a bunch of pictures isn't as common as a well built cruiser. If pictures are provided, they have fish blood stains on the deck, beer cans in the cup holders and she's working shallow waters, looking for a big mouthed lunker hiding in a hole.

    Is there something specific you'd like to know about digger? She preforms exactly as predicted and is a very tough and easy to build boat. A heavy duty version is available and she's even tougher.
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