Anyone ever heard of an aluminum case velvet drive 7343???

Discussion in 'Inboards' started by mongo75, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. mongo75
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    mongo75 Senior Member

    I gotta guy that wants me to rebuild his Velvet Drive 7343. I've never heard of such a beast. Could someone shed some light on this for me? I get $200 a rebuild, and I could use the extra cash!

  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    I think they may be the ones for mine sweepers. They were used with the Detroit Diesels with aluminum blocks. Not sure though.
  3. Carteret
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    Carteret Senior Member

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  4. mongo75
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    mongo75 Senior Member

    They don't make this model anymore, I know that much
  5. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    The new aluminum model is the Liberty. It has no number denomination
  6. Bilito
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    Bilito Junior Member

    Hey mongo, where do you live just in case I need mine rebuilt sometime?
  7. Jango
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    Jango Senior Enthusiast

    The new "Liberty" Velvet Drive comes in two versions, Down angle and Vee Drive, No In-line. Also no need to do Oil pump indexing. It can be run in either direction to obtain Forward motion, or can be hooked up to either LH or RH motors without changes. If your LH Prop goes Bad, you can use a RH Prop by merely flipping the Direction lever.

    Haven't seen any prices, but I bet it's High cost
  8. VDT
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    VDT New Member

    Velvet Drive does not currently produce a unit 7343, that does not even fit our numbering system. The new aluminum units are offered in several styles. The Liberty Series has a down angle and V drive in full reversing models. The 72 series direct drive is now offered in aluminum (72L) and introduced on Mercury Racing's new 1350 hp engine is the 72L-HP dry sump racing transmission.
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  9. powerabout
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    powerabout Senior Member

    Nice... thats 3 times the torque spec of an old 72, that will put you back in business with offshore boats.
    I guess that opens up th ediesel market as well.
    Do you have reduction units?
    Are there LH reduction as well?
    Whens the 2 speed coming out?
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