Anybody here familiar with rhino software?

Discussion in 'Software' started by Jakenewcastleuniversity, Mar 10, 2018.

  1. Jakenewcastleuniversity
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    Jakenewcastleuniversity Junior Member

    I am currently looking into designing hydrofoil boats in the rhino software. Mainly a fully submerged and a surface piercing (V shaped) one. I've done the draft design for the fully submerged hydrofoil as attached below. Now i have no idea on how to create the V shaped one. This is for my fyp project and any form of help will be greatly appreciated! An example of a V shaped foil for my design is attached below too

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  2. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I do not understand what your intentions are because the 3dm model has foils totally different from those of the .gif file. Do you want to create a new "V" shapes hull for your foils or do you want to place your foils in the fyp3.3dm hull?.
    I do not know whether to think that what you want is, once the foils are created, to add a hull that need still be defined. This would be, precisely, the opposite procedure, and therefore very wrong, which must be done. What some do is define the boat, so that it complies with several requirements and then design the most suitable foils for the boat.
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2018
  3. DCockey
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    Your fully submerged "foil" has an elliptical cross section. It appears that you created the "foil" as an ellipsoid. An ellipse is a terrible shape for a hydrofoil section and will not function properly. Your first step should be to learn about the basics of hydrofoil sections.

    Once you know what a hydrofoil section should look like and have selected a good section you can proceed to create the foils in Rhino. First step will be create the desired section as a planar curve. Position a copy of the section with the desired chord at the root of the foil, and another at the tip. Then use Loft to create a surface between the sections.
  4. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    Have a look at this :

    Some easy steps to curved surfaces

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  5. jorgepease
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    jorgepease Senior Member

    You can also use sweeps, might be easier to control but first get the exact shape right
  6. Jakenewcastleuniversity
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    Jakenewcastleuniversity Junior Member

    What i did was that i went into the maxsurf software and took the default workboat as my hull and the foil from the default yacht and combined them both together. My intention is to use the same hull and implement a surface piercing and fully submerged hydrofoil designs separately. Next, I'll be doing a resistance analysis on both of the designs in maxsurf. To answer your question, yes i just want to place the foils in the fyp3.3dm hull. Sorry I am not experienced in Rhino as I did not attend any course on the software before.
  7. Jakenewcastleuniversity
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    Jakenewcastleuniversity Junior Member

    The foil was initially a bulb like shape from the default yacht(as attached below - yacht.3dm) in the maxsurf software. I also took a default workboat as my hull and combined it with the foil(fyp2.3dm). I then tried to make it look like a wing, but it seemed to become an elliptical shape. Sorry but i do not have any prior experience in Rhino as I am still learning on the software. I am still trying to figure a way to go about creating the foil configurations.
    My plan is to get an existing foil and implement in on a monohull, whereby i will have 2 separate configurations - fully submerged and surface piercing hydrofoils. I will then import these 2 models into maxsurf resistance and do an analysis on them.

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  8. Jakenewcastleuniversity
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    Jakenewcastleuniversity Junior Member

    Attached below is my initial fully submerged hydrofoil configuration. As you can see, the foil looks like a bulb which i took from the default yacht (yacht.3dm) file.

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  9. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    I do not know if you already know this but you can open the file of the yacht and then use the << Insert >> command, in the <<Files>> menu (left upper part of the screen) to insert the foils in it. With the Rhino commands, you will place the foils on the appropriate place.
  10. tspeer
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    tspeer Senior Member

    In XFOIL you can use the RSAVE command to save a section shape as a command file that you can execute from Rhino using the Tools->Commands->Read from file menu item. This will create a curve with unit chord that you can scale to the size you need. You can place copies of the section curves at the ends of your foil panel, suitably oriented to match the dihedral and twist, and loft the foil surface between them.
  11. TANSL
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  12. rwatson
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    rwatson Senior Member

    You can't "insert" GIF files into Rhino
    They are only graphical files.

    The best you can do is make the GIF file a background image, and then re-draw ( trace) over the image.
  13. TANSL
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    TANSL Senior Member

    Let's be serious, I do not want the OP to insert a .gif file anywhere. What I was saying is that, assuming that he has a 3D model of the foils, he inserted it in the 3D model of the hull. It's so obvious that I find it ridiculous to have to explain it.
  14. bhnautika
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    bhnautika Senior Member

    Attached Files:

    • foil.jpg
      File size:
      56.8 KB

  15. Jakenewcastleuniversity
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    Jakenewcastleuniversity Junior Member

    YES! This is exactly what i want. Do you have it in a 3dm file? If so, the only thing left for me is to just scale up the foils
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