Any westlawn or yds grad actually working in the industry???

Discussion in 'Education' started by fede, Sep 9, 2003.

  1. CDBarry
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    CDBarry Senior Member

    Bryan Spencer recruits off the SNAME board.
  2. chandler
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    chandler Senior Member

    Any answer to the original question?

    Any answer to the original question?
  3. chandler
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    chandler Senior Member

    You must hate your job.
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    JCFARER Junior Member


    Hello Willallison...

    I posted a request about westlawn in the past without knowing this was here. Long story son wants to take the courses and I would like to do some research for the money since it's beginning to look like I will pay for it.

    Do you have a list of the books that they use in their curriculum? I only saw the supplementary required books on their site. Are they actual academic books or are they just story books?

    Thank's for all the help.

  5. chandler
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    chandler Senior Member

    Story books?

    I don't know about westlawn but I can assure you YDI's books are not story books. Actually they are all text books from introductory to advanced.

  6. dgerr
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    dgerr Senior Member

    Westlawn's Record

    In reply to this thread, see the post at:

    Westlawn's Record
    Westlawn has produced more practicing small-craft designers than many of the other institutions in the world combined. Our alumni are a who's who of boat design. It's all posted on our website (along with a whole lot more information) for anyone to see at: . . .

    Much more at the original post, above.

    Dave Gerr
    Westlawn Institute of Marine Technology
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