Any Seawind 24 owners on here?

Discussion in 'Multihulls' started by TeeKay, Sep 21, 2023.

  1. TeeKay
    Joined: Sep 2023
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    TeeKay Junior Member

    My name is TeeKay. I am the "skipper" and half owner of a Seawind 24 based on the Cassowary Coast, Queensland.

    She is currently out of the water for anit-fouling.

    I'm looking to strike a thread with current owners of one of these awesome craft.

    Any takers?
  2. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    Hi TeeKay

    Former owner here, great boat, Chris Williams a visionary.
    This one of the spots for seawinders fbook.. Seawind 24 catamarans | Facebook

    All the best from Jeff.
  3. TeeKay
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    TeeKay Junior Member

    Thanks for the reply Jeff.

    Yes, Williams did well with this design in my opinion.

    I don't do FB. I don't have enough bad attitude or snarkiness in me to, nor the desire to, deal with that sort of mentality.

    Any other suggestions?

  4. Burger
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    Burger Junior Member

    Teekay, refusing to use the internet because of the occasional idiots is the same as refusing to drive because of the idiots on the road. You just swerve around 'em and ignore 'em. The FB Seawind 24 group has all the knowledge you need.
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  5. waikikin
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    waikikin Senior Member

    That's what I find too, though I was going to say stay in your lane and don't look sideways at the rubbish in the gutter..

    This used to be active until about a decade or so ago, is associated with a brokerage of Scott Brown in UK, I think it became an inconvenience..
    Some good info though- when active there was a couple of serious trolls.
    Seawind Designs

    TeeKay, all the best. Chris Williams occasionally posts to the FB page.
    The age and beam inspection/replacement something to look at.

  6. TeeKay
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    TeeKay Junior Member

    I obviously use the internet. I'm here.
    As for Facebook,
    Firstly, it is not the internet.
    It was a website, now an app as well.

    Secondly, I had used it from the dawn of its time until 2018. I am a photographer and journalist that has used the internet since the days of ICQ and email based forums. Then online forums.

    To continue your analogy, I don't "refuse to drive because of idiots on the road" I just choose a different road.

    Because, in my lengthy experience there are idiots to the left of me, idiots to the right and, most time, idiots in front of me.

    That experience includes the frustration that when a thread is started, regardless of whatever site it's on, there is always at least one person that goes off topic providing either unsolicited opinions, or pointless advice, or even criticism that is unnecessary and unwanted.

    But thank you for your input. I'll file it away in the appropriate file.

    Happy sailing Burger. Don't get your Buns wet.
  7. willy13
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    willy13 Senior Member

    I prefer dedicated forums over joining Fakebook groups. Mainly because Fakebook groups have the ability to kill perfectly good dedicated forums.....
  8. TeeKay
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    TeeKay Junior Member


  9. Corley_01
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    Corley_01 Junior Member

    I have a really rough Seawind 24 that I rescued from a deceased estate, the boat sat on a mooring neglected for nearly 20 years on the Gippsland Lakes so needs everything doing to it. Somebody broke the seagull striker out of the main beam and it hasn't been easy to replace otherwise the boat is structurally sound. I'm thinking of fixing it up just to be a little motor boat for now because the rig and sails both need a lot of work. It came with a longshaft Honda 10hp outboard which was pretty easy to sort out and get going.

    Attached Files:

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