any reasons not to use these QuickClamp battery terminals?

Discussion in 'OnBoard Electronics & Controls' started by Squidly-Diddly, Apr 7, 2017.

  1. Squidly-Diddly
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  2. gonzo
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    gonzo Senior Member

    Marine batteries have threaded terminals. However, if you use automotive type posts, there is no reason for them to come loose. Millions of vehicles use them without problem.
  3. PAR
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    Yeah I can think of a few reasons not to use those. The clamp fasteners and bale look to be mild steel, which will rust and corrode pretty quickly and though they look to be brass, I'll bet they're just plated steel, which will also suffer the same issues. Now you could heavily coat them in lithium grease, which will help, but they're not going to last as long as a real marine quick disconnect terminal. The best quick disconnects aren't spring loaded, but rely on mechanical tightening, typically a stud and knob mount. Just a little bit of corrosion can easily move a spring contact.
    This is the one you want. It's really bronze and a 1/4 turn will release the cable from the fitting. They cost about $10 bucks each.
  4. Ike
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    ABYC standards E-10 Storage Batteries

    Connectors to battery terminals shall be made with fitted connectors providing secure mechanical and electrical connections as req
    uired in the Wiring Connections section of ABYC E11, AC and DC Electrical Systems On Boats . Spring clips or temporary clamps shall not be used.

    33 CFR 183
    (g) Each battery terminal connector must not depend on spring tension for its mechanical connection to the terminal.

    The Coast Guard regulation applies only to gasoline powered boats, but the ABYC standard applies to all boats.

    So the answer is, if these are only clamped by spring tension then you should not use them.
  5. leaky
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    leaky Senior Member

    I wouldn't trust anything that's not positively fastened, ie a nut or at least a wingnut. A nut is temporary enough, just have a wrench handy, what's it take to remove two nuts on a battery? 1 minute is probably a gross over-estimate.

    Actually as those automotive style stretch and/or corrode and clamps fail to make a reliable connection, which in any vehicle I've owned they seem to eventually, I convert my batteries over to marine style and crimp marine style lugs on :).


  6. CDK
    Joined: Aug 2007
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    CDK retired engineer

    PAR is right, the QuickClamp terminals are made from thin plated steel. They corrode fast and the plastic hood gets brittle after just one season.
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